Appeal to Consequences Fallacy (29 Examples + Definition)

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Practical Psychology

Have you ever encountered a situation where someone tries to persuade you by focusing on the outcome rather than the actual argument? Let's say a parent tells a child, for example, "If you don't study, you won't get a good job." It sounds compelling, but is it a valid argument?

An Appeal to Consequences Fallacy occurs when someone argues that a belief is true or false based on the consequences that will follow if the belief is accepted.

In this article, you'll learn everything you need to know about the Appeal to Consequences Fallacy—from its origin and psychological roots to a plethora of real-world examples. Whether you're a high school student or a budding psychologist, understanding this fallacy can sharpen your critical thinking skills and make you a more informed individual.

What is an Appeal to Consequences Fallacy?


Imagine you're in a debate about a new law, and someone says, "If we pass this law, crime rates will go up. So it's a bad idea." Sounds convincing, right?

But wait a minute. This argument focuses more on the possible outcome rather than whether the law is actually good or bad in itself. That's what we call an Appeal to Consequences Fallacy.

Fallacies are logical errors, usually in arguments, that people make which lead to inconsistent reasoning. In a nutshell, this fallacy happens when the focus of an argument shifts from the topic at hand to the results that might follow, whether desirable or undesirable consequences.

We call these consequences negative form premise and positive form premise, neither of which are necessarily logical consequences. These arguments inherently lean on wishful thinking rather than the truth.

Think of it as playing a game of soccer where you only focus on the scoreboard and not on how well you're actually playing. The score might matter, but it's not the only thing that determines a good game.

It also shows up in beliefs. The consequences of a belief can be closely related to the belief's proposition, but can also be easily confused as proving a causal consequence exists.

For instance, say someone believes that interstellar space travel is possible and that if you do it, you'll exist forever. If this belief leads them to do bad things in order to travel through space, this can lead to some rather unpleasant consequences. Not to mention, it's clearly a fallacious belief.

It's crucial to recognize this kind of logical fallacy often, especially in decision-making scenarios like political debates, social discussions, or even choosing a college major. Being aware helps you stay grounded in facts and logic, rather than getting swept away by fear or false promises.

Other Names for This Fallacy:

  • Argumentum ad Consequentiam
  • Appeal to Fear
  • Argument to the Consequences

Similar Logical Fallacies:

  • Strawman Fallacy - Misrepresenting someone's argument to make it easier to attack.
  • Red Herring - Introducing an irrelevant topic to divert attention from the original issue.
  • Circular Reasoning - Using the conclusion as the premise, basically arguing in a circle.
  • Appeal to Ignorance - Assuming something is true because it hasn't been proven false.
  • Slippery Slope - Arguing that one event will inevitably lead to a series of other events.

The term Appeal to Consequences traces its roots back to classical logic and argumentation theory. It's often associated with the study of rhetoric, where people learn to argue effectively. Although the term might sound fancy, the concept is simple, and its understanding is essential for informed decision-making.

29 Examples

1) Vaccination

vaccine needle

"You should get vaccinated because otherwise, people will think you're socially irresponsible."

Here, the argument focuses on societal judgement rather than the health benefits or risks of vaccination. This argument doesn't address whether the vaccine is effective or necessary, only what people will think if you don't get vaccinated.

2) Buying Expensive Clothes

"You should buy expensive clothes; otherwise, people will think you're not successful."

This fallacy tries to sway you with the fear of being judged, rather than discussing the quality or need for expensive clothes.

3) Joining a Gym

woman on a treadmill

"If you don't join this gym, you'll never lose weight."

Such arguments focus on the consequence (not losing weight) rather than discussing if this particular gym is the right option for fitness.

4) College Choices

"If you don't go to a top-tier college, you won't get a high-paying job."

This fallacy argues that success is only achievable through one pathway, ignoring other factors like skill, experience, and networking.

5) Voting

"If you vote for that candidate, the country will go into chaos."

This statement targets fear and potential consequences instead of evaluating the candidate's policies or qualifications.

6) Studying Techniques

"You have to study this way; otherwise, you won't pass the exam."

This assumes that only one method of studying is effective, without considering individual learning styles.

7) Eating Organic

"If you don't eat organic food, you're putting your health at risk."

This argument implies that non-organic food is harmful without presenting evidence to support that claim.

8) Parental Threats

"Do your homework now, or you'll end up being a failure."

This classic parental line uses the fear of future failure to motivate action, without explaining why the homework is essential.

9) Company Loyalty

"If you leave the company now, it will never succeed without you."

This places undue weight on individual responsibility for the company's success rather than discussing valid reasons for staying.

10) Internet Privacy

surveillance camera

"If you have nothing to hide, you shouldn't worry about internet surveillance."

This argument sidesteps concerns about privacy rights and focuses on the potential consequence of appearing guilty.

11) Brand Loyalty

"Buying off-brand products will make you look cheap."

This targets social judgment instead of evaluating the quality and value of the product.

12) Global Warming

"If you don't believe in global warming, future generations will suffer."

The focus here is on the severe consequence to encourage belief, not on the scientific data that supports global warming.

13) Religion

"If you don't believe God exists, you'll go to hell."

This employs fear of eternal suffering as the core of the argument rather than discussing the tenets of the faith.

14) Fear of Loneliness

"If you break up with him, you'll be alone forever."

This argument uses fear of loneliness to prevent action, rather than discussing whether the relationship is healthy or fulfilling.

15) Digital Piracy

"If you pirate movies, you're contributing to the loss of jobs in the film industry."

The focus here is on a potential consequence rather than the legality or morality of piracy.

16) Sports Superstitions

"If you don't wear your lucky socks, the team will lose."

This assumes that personal actions directly affect outcomes, without logical basis or causal consequences.

17) Job Promotion

"If you don't take this promotion, you'll never advance in your career."

This presents a singular path to success, ignoring other opportunities or factors.

18) Learning an Instrument

"If you don't practice every day, you'll never be good."

This overemphasizes the consequence of not practicing daily without considering other aspects like talent or instruction.

19) Pet Ownership

"If you don't buy this purebred, you're settling for a lesser pet."

This makes an emotional appeal about pet quality without evidence to back it up.

20) Renting vs Buying a Home

"If you rent, you're just throwing your money away."

This simplifies a complex decision by presenting only negative consequences for one option.

21) Social Media

"If you're not on this platform, you're missing out on networking opportunities."

This argument pressures you to join based on FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) rather than discussing the actual benefits of the platform.

22) Green Energy

"If you don't support green energy, you don't care about the planet."

This appeals to guilt and consequences, not the merits or challenges of green energy.

23) Gender Norms

"If you let your son play with dolls, he won't grow up to be masculine."

This employs societal gender norms to argue against a simple action, rather than allowing for individual preference.

24) Participation in Events

"If you don't go to the party, you'll be labeled as anti-social."

This uses potential social consequences to pressure attendance rather than discussing the merits of going.

25) Smoking

"If you smoke, you're just asking for cancer."

While smoking has health risks, this statement employs fear as its primary persuasion method.

26) Junk Food

"If you eat junk food, you'll get fat."

This simplifies a complex issue like weight gain to scare people away from certain foods.

27) Job Choices

"If you choose that career, you'll never make enough money."

This narrows down life success to financial gain, ignoring other forms of fulfillment.

28) Ending a Friendship

"If you end this friendship, you'll regret it forever."

This uses emotional manipulation to deter a decision rather than discussing the friendship's quality.

29) Reading Books

"If you don't read classics, you're not a well-rounded individual."

This statement enforces a narrow view of what constitutes the truth value of a "good" education, employing social judgement as its primary tool.

The Psychological Mechanisms Behind It

At its core, the Appeal to Consequences Fallacy taps into our emotional responses, often bypassing rational thinking. It plays on basic human feelings like fear, desire, or guilt to steer the conversation.

It's like a shortcut, a way to jump straight to our emotional triggers without having to deal with the nitty-gritty details or facts. This can be particularly effective because emotions often have a stronger pull on us than logic, thanks to evolutionary factors that have made emotional responses quick and compelling survival tools.

Psychological theories like the "Dual Process Theory" help explain why we're susceptible to this fallacy. According to this theory, we have two types of thinking: System 1 and System 2. System 1 is quick, instinctive, and emotional, while System 2 is more deliberate, conscious, and rational.

An Appeal to Consequences Fallacy typically targets System 1, eliciting an immediate emotional response before System 2 has the time to analyze the argument critically. In essence, it's a way of "hacking" into our faster, but often less accurate, form of thinking.

The Impact of the Appeal to Consequences Fallacy

The impact of falling for an Appeal to Consequences Fallacy can be far-reaching and vary depending on the context.

In personal relationships, it might lead to poor decision-making, like staying in an unhealthy relationship because you fear loneliness.

In public discourse, such as politics or advertising, this fallacy can be even more potent. It can mislead people into voting against their best interests or buying products that they don't need.

At a societal level, this kind of faulty reasoning can contribute to the spread of misinformation, as people share emotionally charged but logically flawed arguments.

Moreover, it can foster a culture of fear and manipulation. Instead of promoting open discussion and critical thinking, relying on this fallacy creates an environment where emotions rule and facts are secondary. This sets a dangerous precedent, undermining trust and making it challenging to arrive at well-reasoned conclusions.

How to Identify and Counter It

Spotting an Appeal to Consequences Fallacy isn't always straightforward, mainly because it taps into your emotional blind spots.

The first step to identifying it is awareness—knowing that such a fallacy exists allows you to be on the lookout. When you encounter an argument that seems to be steering you through emotions rather than facts, take a step back. Separate the emotional aspects from the core argument and ask yourself if the argument still stands without the emotional baggage.

Countering this fallacy involves shifting the focus back to the original topic. Say, for instance, someone argues, "If we don't implement stricter immigration laws, crime rates will rise." Instead of getting caught in the emotional trap, you could counter by asking, "Do we have reliable data to support the claim that stricter immigration laws will lead to lower crime rates?"

By refocusing the discussion on factual and logical grounds, you can disarm the emotional component and pave the way for a more reasoned debate.

Reference this article:

Practical Psychology. (2023, October). Appeal to Consequences Fallacy (29 Examples + Definition). Retrieved from

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