268+ Would You Rather Questions (Random Generator)

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Practical Psychology

“Would you rather” is a fun game to get people talking, whether it’s at work, at school, or on a first date!

Use these questions to get the conversation going. (There are some questions at the bottom of the page that are PG-13, but most questions will be appropriate for all ages.)

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“Would You Rather” For Kids

  • Would you rather have only hamburgers or hot dogs for the rest of your life? 
hamburger and hot dog
  • Would you rather be able to fly or be able to hold your breath underwater? 
  • Would you rather slide on a rainbow or jump on a cloud? 
  • Would you rather be able to speak to animals or have the ability to control the weather?
  • Would you rather spend your whole life without pizza or your whole life without tacos?  
  • Would you rather automatically get all A’s in school or never have to do a single chore again? 
  • Would you rather live in a house with ten brothers or ten sisters?
  • Would you rather be the oldest of 12 siblings or the youngest of 12 siblings? 
  • Would you rather become the world’s greatest singer or the world’s greatest dancer? 
  • Would you rather star in a movie or invent something new? 
  • Would you rather live in a zoo or live in an aquarium? 
  • Would you rather never have to go to gym class again or never have to go to art class again? 
  • Would you rather have the ability to speak every language or play every instrument? 
  • Would you rather make a million dollars a year or never have to sleep to feel awake? 
  • Would you rather have to only crawl or walk backward for the rest of your life? 
  • Would you rather burp after every sentence you speak or have to sing everything you say? 
  • Would you rather never have to shower again or always have the perfect hairstyle? 
  • Would you rather have feet for hands or hands for feet? 
  • Would you rather own a cat that acted like a dog or a dog that acted like a cat? 
  • Would you rather celebrate Halloween with no candy or Christmas/Hannukah with no presents? 
  • Would you rather learn how to surf or learn how to skateboard? 
  • Would you rather have 20 fingers or 20 toes? 

“Would You Rather” (Appropriate for Work) 

  • Would you rather get three months of paid leave a year or be able to retire at 55? 
  • Would you rather work from home or have lunch catered to the office every day? 
  • Would you rather make $100,000 every year for the rest of your life or make $50,000 for your first year with consistent raises? 
  • Would you rather have two left feet or two left hands? 
  • Would you rather get food poisoning during a job interview or get food poisoning during a vacation? 
  • Would you rather change career paths tomorrow or move to a new country? 
  • Would you rather have a rock permanently stuck in your shoe or a cold sore permanently in your mouth? 
  • Would you rather have a new cockroach in your house every day for a year or eat a single cockroach? 
  • Would you rather move to a new city of someone else’s choosing or never be able to move from your current home again? 
  • Would you rather be limited to only engaging in small talk with everyone you meet or have to share a dark secret upfront?
two women enjoying small talk while sitting on a couch
  • Would you rather have people forget your name every time they talk to you or have them mispronounce it? 
  • Would you rather eat chalk or soap? 
  • Would you rather give $500,000 to the charity of your choice or $1,000,000 to a charity that someone picks for you? 
  • Would you rather start life over again or be handed $10 million right now? 
  • Would you rather be alone for the next 5 years or never be alone for the next 5 years? 

“Would You Rather” Questions For Teachers and Students 

  • Would you rather have your parents find your TikTok account or your teachers find your finsta? 
  • Would you rather watch movies in class every Friday or leave school an hour early each day?
  • Would you rather fart in front of your crush or have them burp in your face?  
  • Would you rather flunk out of one class and get all As in the rest or get Cs in every class? 
  • Would you rather trade places with your parent or your teacher for a day? 
  • Would you rather get sick on the day of the prom or the day of graduation? 
  • Would you rather be able to speak 10 languages or be able to understand 10 languages? 
  • Would you rather read all of the Harry Potter books for school or the Lord of the Rings books? 
  • Would you rather be criticized or ignored? 
  • Would you rather live in a museum or live in a zoo? 
  • Would you rather get the worst grades in an honors class or the best grades in a remedial class?
  • Would you rather be voted Prom Queen/King or earn the title of Valedictorian? 
  • Would you rather become a detective or a pilot? 
a detective's hat and magnifying glass next to a pilot helmet
  • Would you rather never have to do homework again or earn an allowance for doing homework on time? 

“Would You Rather” Questions for Teenagers 

  • Would you rather have your crush or your mom find your secret diary? 
  • Would you rather have 10 million followers on TikTok or be the President of the United States? 
  • Would you rather have a pet spider or a pet snake? 
a spider and a snake
  • Would you rather audition for Survivor or American Idol? 
  • Would you rather live without music or live without social media?
  • Would you rather grow out your fingernails or toenails for a year? 
  • Would you rather be an animal in a zoo or a performer in a circus? 
  • Would you rather have one million followers on TikTok or one million followers on Instagram?
the TikTok and Instagram logos crossed out
  • Would you rather get banned from TikTok or get banned from Instagram? 
  • Would you rather get into a fight with a shark or a bear? 
  • Would you rather have smelly armpits or bad breath? 
  • Would you rather grow a pair of horns or a tail? 
  • Would you rather become a professional comedian or magician? 
  • Would you rather have bad body odor or pimples? 
  • Would you rather get a kiss from your celebrity crush or have a TikTok go viral? 
  • Would you rather shave off one eyebrow for a week or one arm for a year? 
  • Would you rather have parents who are influencers or become an influencer when you’re 18? 
  • Would you rather uncontrollably laugh or cry every time you see your crush? 
  • Would you rather have very tiny fingers or very tiny toes? 

“Would You Rather” For Thrill-Seekers and Travelers 

  • Would you rather go bungy-jumping or skydiving? 
  • Would you rather visit only National Parks or amusement parks for the rest of your life?
  • Would you rather spend a year traveling for free or have an extra $100,000 to spend quarantined at home?  
  • Would you rather travel to the moon or to the deepest parts of the ocean?
  • Would you rather spend a week at the North Pole or the South Pole? 
  • Would you rather swim with sharks or camp in a forest where bears live? 
  • Would you rather clap every time the airplane lands or belch loudly at the end of every meal you eat at a restaurant? 
  • Would you rather spend the night in a cave or a treehouse? 
a rock cave next to a treehouse
  • Would you rather ride the world’s tallest rollercoaster or the world’s fastest waterslide? 
  • Would you rather live life only going to the beach or only living in the mountains? 
  • Would you rather become a professional snowboarder or surfer? 
  • Would you rather walk on the Great Wall of China or hike to Macchu Picchu? 
  • Would you rather go on a trip in a submarine or in a helicopter? 
a submarine and a helicopter
  • Would you rather take tango lessons in Buenos Aires or take an improv class in Los Angeles? 
  • Would you rather enjoy a private tour of the Vatican or of the Louvre? 
  • Would you rather gamble in Vegas or ride on a gondola in Venice? 
  • Would you rather hike in the Himalayas or spend a week on the beaches in Bali? 

Family-Appropriate “Would You Rather” Questions

  • Would you rather be able to see one year into the future or 100 years into the future? 
  • Would you rather have a live-in nanny or a live-in chef? 
a nanny holding a baby and a chef stirring a pot
  • Would you rather live somewhere where it snows every day or where it rains every day? 
  • Would you rather have very tiny ears or a very tiny mouth? 
  • Would you rather know how you were going to pass away or when you were going to pass away? 
  • Would you rather lose all of your photos or lose your house? 
  • Would you rather never be jealous or never be angry? 
  • Would you rather lose your passport or your Social Security card? 
  • Would you rather have the power to read minds or have the power to be invisible? 
  • Would you rather have to sing along to every song that you hear or dance along to every song that you hear? 
  • Would you rather always be over-dressed to an event or always be under-dressed to an event? 
  • Would you rather be covered in fur or feathers?
  • Would you rather look like a skunk or smell like a skunk? 
  • Would you rather buy five extra things every time you go to the grocery store or always forget one thing? 
  • Would you rather have a button that could stop time or a button that could reverse time? 
an alarm clock with two buttons that have
  • Would you rather have 12 children or no children at all? 
  • Would you rather only be able to text or talk to people on the phone? 
  • Would you rather always wear clothes that are slightly too tight or slightly too loose? 
  • Would you rather be allergic to your pet or be allergic to your favorite food?
  • Would you rather never shave again or never wear deodorant again? 
  • Would you rather live without winter or live without summer? 
  • Would you rather have one wish granted today or have three wishes granted in three years? 
  • Would you rather have one really long, thick hair that grows from your ear or grows from your nose?
  • Would you rather give terrible birthday presents or receive terrible birthday presents? 

Foodie “Would You Rather” Questions 

  • Would you rather have a private chef and never be allowed to eat fast food or have free fast food for the rest of your life but never be allowed to eat at a restaurant? 
  • Would you rather eat vegan for the rest of your life or follow a strict paleo diet for the rest of your life? 
  • Would you rather always have a burnt tongue or always have a little bit of brain freeze? 
  • Would you rather have water taste like your favorite drink or a vegetable that tastes like your favorite food? 
  • Would you rather give up breakfast in bed or midnight snacks? 
  • Would you rather cook Thanksgiving dinner alone or clean up Thanksgiving dinner alone? 
  • Would you rather have to grow all of your own produce or kill all of your own meat? 
  • Would you rather only eat cupcakes or cakes for the rest of your life?
a chocolate cupcake with vanilla icing next to a chocolate cake with chocolate icing
  • Would you rather never be hungry or never be thirsty? 
  • Would you rather forgo sugar or salt for one month? 
  • Would you rather eat a raw lemon or a clove of raw garlic? 
  • Would you rather eat food that’s always burnt or eat food that’s always undercooked? 
  • Would you rather be banned from eating potatoes or from eating tomatoes? 
  • Would you rather live a life without pizza or without pasta? 
  • Would you rather have the gene that makes cilantro taste like soap or eat cilantro on every meal? 
  • Would you rather have to drink all of your food or have to lick all of your drinks? 
  • Would you rather never eat cheese again or eat a pound of cheese every day? 
  • Would you rather drink coffee that’s a little too hot or always lukewarm? 
  • Would you rather have to share drinks or share food with your partner for the rest of your life? 
  • Would you rather give up chocolate or give up ice cream?
chocolate bar and ice cream cones

“Would You Rather” Questions: Superpowers Edition

  • Would you rather speak every language or have the ability to talk to animals? 
  • Would you rather be able to change the outcome of the most recent election or have the power to determine the next one?
  • Would you rather have more time or more money? 
a scale balancing an alarm clock and a stack of money
  • Would you rather have a magic mirror or be able to grow your hair to any length in a snap of the finger? 
  • Would you rather be a wizard or a superhero? 
  • Would you rather have the ability to talk to ghosts or have the ability to talk to pets? 
  • Would you rather be able to see through walls or walk through walls? 
  • Would you rather have the Marvel or DC superheroes by your side? 
  • Would you rather be Batman or Superman? 
  • Would you rather have wings or gills? 
  • Would you rather be able to control fire or control water? 
  • Would you rather be able to predict the ending of every movie or of every Superbowl (no betting)? 
  • Would you rather have power or money? 
  • Would you rather have a magic wand or an invisibility cloak? 
  • Would you rather have superhuman strength or be extremely wealthy? 
  • Would you rather live forever at the age of 22 or 32? 
  • Would you rather become completely invisible when you’re upset or lose your ability to speak? 

Miscellaneous PG “Would You Rather” Questions

  • Would you rather have no one show up to your wedding or to your funeral?
  • Would you rather lose an arm or a leg? 
  • Would you rather only shout or only whisper? 
  • Would you rather never get a cold or never get stuck in traffic for the rest of your life? 
  • Would you rather arrive 30 minutes late to every movie or miss the last 10?  
  • Would you rather never celebrate your birthday again or only celebrate your birthday (and no other holidays!) 
  • Would you rather only have access to one streaming service or one website? 
  • Would you rather use your passport photo or your driver's license as your only profile photo for the rest of your life? 
  • Would you rather watch the Beatles or the Doors in concert? 
  • Would you rather go on a silent meditation retreat for a week or spend a weekend with someone who doesn’t know when to stop talking? 
  • Would you rather never watch Netflix or YouTube again? 
  • Would you rather break out into laughter at a funeral or a wedding? 
  • Would you rather clean a stranger’s toilet or their refrigerator? 
  • Would you rather never be able to watch a movie with your favorite actor or never listen to your favorite band? 
  • Would you rather finish every sentence with “Is that racist?” or “Just kidding!” 
  • Would you rather only be able to use Facebook or Reddit as your only social media site?
  • Would you rather get a small tattoo on your face or a tattoo that covers your entire butt?  
  • Would you rather only be able to skip when you are in a hurry or rap when you have to talk quickly? 
  • Would you rather always be damp or always be warm? 
  • Would you rather push on a “pull” door or stub your toe? 
  • Would you rather have a good group of friends and no partner or no friends and a great partner? 
  • Would you rather be convicted for a crime you didn’t do or have your best friend be convicted for a crime you did? 
  • Would you rather have no choice in what movies you watch or music you listen to for the rest of your life?
  • Would you rather live the same day over and over again for three years or completely lose a year of your life?
  • Would you rather never be able to read an instruction manual again or have to use a physical map every time you want to go somewhere? 
  • Would you rather live in the world of The Office or Parks and Recreation? 
  • Would you rather write a great book that becomes a terrible movie or write a terrible book that becomes a hit movie? 
  • Would you rather lose your sense of smell or be color-blind? 
  • Would you rather have a professional painter or photographer create a portrait of you? 
a man painting next to a man photographing a blank subject

Warning! The next categories contain questions that are for adults only. Only use if you’re over the age of 18 and enjoying a night out on the town, a romantic date, or a Bachelorette party!

“Would You Rather” Questions For Adults

  • Would you rather walk in on your parents doing the deed or your siblings doing the deed? 
  • Would you rather give up bathing or give up the Internet?
  • Would you rather have Cheeto dust permanently on your fingers or red wine permanently staining your teeth? 
  • Would you rather have a lifetime supply of pizza or a lifetime supply of beer?
pizza and beer
  • Would you rather be the only person drunk at a party or be the only person who is sober? 
  • Would you rather have wet dreams every night or wet the bed once a week? 
  • Would you rather be the oldest person in the room or the youngest person in the room? 
  • Would you rather have to update your social media every time you poop or every time you have sex? 
  • Would you rather have all of your texts or all of your photos displayed for the world to see? 
  • Would you rather wear dirty shorts or dirty shirts for an entire year? 
  • Would you rather give up cocktails or wine for the rest of your life? 
  • Would you rather drive in the passenger seat with someone who has been drinking or smoking marijuana? 
  • Would you rather take a vow of silence or a vow of celibacy? 
  • Would you rather only be able to shower or bathe with your partner? 
  • Would you rather elope with no family or friends present or have a quick courthouse wedding in front of everyone you love? 
  • Would you rather go on a date with Margaret Thatcher or George W. Bush? 
Margaret Thatcher and George Bush
  • Would you rather have your nudes be leaked to everyone at work or everyone at a family gathering? 
  • Would you rather catch your roommate masturbating or have your roommate catch you? 

Bachelorette Party “Would You Rather” Questions

  • Would you rather wear the same bra for a month without washing it or the same underwear for a week? 
a purple matching bra and panties
  • Would you rather go to a strip club or a drag show? 
  • Would you rather forgo your wedding day (but still get married) or your honeymoon? 
  • Would you rather get a tattoo of your partner’s name on your body or get a piercing of their choice? 
  • Would you rather know how much time you have left with your partner or learn how your relationship ends? 
a scale balancing a man and a woman pointing at each other
  • Would you rather wear your bra on the outside of your shirt or your underwear on the outside of your pants? 
  • Would you rather never be able to cook with your partner or only be able to cook with your partner? 
  • Would you rather take breakdancing or tango lessons with your partner?
  • Would you rather receive a sext from your partner or a love letter? 
  • Would you rather live at a strip club or date a partner who works at a strip club? 
  • Would you rather have sex with your best friend or your partner’s best friend? 
  • Would you rather give or receive a lap dance during your Bachelorette Party? 

“Would You Rather” Questions for First Dates

  • Would you rather have to talk about politics or your ex on a first date? 
  • Would you rather fall in love with your best friend or fall in love with your boss? 
  • Would you rather only date people 10 years older than you or 10 years younger than you? 
  • Would you rather fall in love with your boss or fall in love with your employee? 
  • Would you rather put your middle school diary on display in a museum or your past month’s search history? 
  • Would you rather know the name of “the one” or know when you are going to meet them? 
  • Would you rather spend a year as a monk or be followed constantly by the paparazzi? 
  • Would you rather always be the shortest person in the room or always be the tallest person in the room? 
  • Would you rather camp under a night sky full of stars or stay in a luxurious hotel? 
  • Would you rather date someone who is famous but has no money or is infamous with a lot of money? 
  • Would you rather make more money than your partner or have them make more money than you? 
  • Would you rather date a movie star or a CEO? 
  • Would you rather hook up with a new person once a week for a year or not meet anyone for a year? 
  • Would you rather meet the love of your life at 18 or 38? 
  • Would you rather never meet the love of your life or only have a one-night stand with them? 
  • Would you rather date someone who is a serial cheater or doesn’t like dogs? 
  • Would you rather date a supermodel or be a supermodel? 

“Would You Rather” Questions About Relationships

  • Would you rather change your career for your partner or leave your partner for your job? 
  • Would you rather be with someone who wants to go out every time or only wants to stay in?  
  • Would you rather forgive or forget?
  • Would you rather never fall in love or never have kids? 
  • Would you rather give up sex for the rest of your life or never be able to fall in love? 
  • Would you rather date someone who’s very similar to you or the complete opposite? 
a woman thinking about a man who looks similar to her and a man who looks different than her
  • Would you rather have a partner who is really into PDA or refuses to be affectionate in public at all? 
  • Would you rather never speak to any of your exes again or have all of your exes in your friend group? 
  • Would you rather never touch your partner again or never speak to your partner again? 
  • Would you rather have a partner who is super romantic or super spicy?
  • Would you rather hook up with your ex or a total stranger?  
  • Would you rather have a partner play an instrument for you or read you a poem? 
  • Would you rather have your partner go on a date with your ex or your best friend? 

Spicy “Would You Rather” Questions 

  • Would you rather use chocolate or whipped cream in the bedroom? 
chocolate batter next to a whisk covered in whipped cream
  • Would you rather be handcuffed or blindfolded by your partner? 
  • Would you rather be on top or bottom for the rest of your life? 
  • Would you rather have frequent bad sex or great sex only twice a year? 
  • Would you rather have sex that lasts for three minutes or three hours? 
  • Would you rather date someone who is way kinkier than you or way more vanilla? 
  • Would you rather never shave your pubic hair again or date someone who never shaves their pubic hair? 
  • Would you rather never be kissed or never receive oral sex? 
  • Would you rather only have threesomes with your partner or only have sex with your partner once a month? 
  • Would you rather never be able to finish with a partner or get a UTI every time you do? 
  • Would you rather listen to the same song every time you have sex or never listen to music at all? 
  • Would you rather receive a dirty text message or a dirty photo? 
  • Would you rather have an orgy with all of your exes or all of your partner’s exes? 
  • Would you rather sneeze after every orgasm or clap and say, “Yay!” 
  • Would you rather have a partner who is really into dirty talk or a partner who makes no noises at all? 
  • Would you rather have sex in a car or a tent?
a red car and a green tent

Reference this article:

Practical Psychology. (2022, March). 268+ Would You Rather Questions (Random Generator). Retrieved from https://practicalpie.com/would-you-rather-questions/.

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