Dry Texting (Definition + Examples + Types Of Texters)

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In today's fast-paced world, texting has become more than just a convenient way to chat. It's practically a language of its own—a quick, efficient way to keep in touch with friends, coordinate with family, and even get to know new people. But have you ever found yourself staring at your phone, puzzled by a one-word response from someone? If so, you've likely encountered what many people call a "dry texter."

A "dry texter" is someone who sends messages that are brief and unemotional, often sticking to simple responses like "yes," "no," or "okay." At times, it may feel like you're texting a robot rather than a human being, leaving you scratching your head, wondering if you said something wrong. This puzzling behavior can make even the most confident of us feel insecure and confused.

This article aims to shed light on the mysterious world of "dry texters." We'll journey back to the roots of texting, dive into some psychology to explain why some people are "dry texters," and offer some tips on how to deal with or even improve this communication style. Whether you are a self-confessed dry texter or someone dealing with one, this article aims to offer some insight and solutions to make your texting experience more fulfilling.

The History of Texting

smart phone

Texting is undeniably a significant aspect of modern life. According to a report by Pew Research Center, around 97% of Americans text at least once a day. That's nearly the entire country! With such a high frequency of texting in our daily lives, understanding the various styles and implications of texting becomes important, perhaps more than we often realize.

The First Text Message

Text messaging, formally referred to as SMS (Short Message Service), wasn't always a feature on every phone. Believe it or not, the very first SMS was sent on December 3, 1992, by Neil Papworth, a software engineer in the United Kingdom.

He sent the text message "Merry Christmas" from a computer to a mobile phone. It was a simple message, but it marked a revolution in the way we communicate. No longer did we have to rely solely on calls and face-to-face chats; a new, quicker form of communication had emerged.

As technology improved, so did our reliance on texting. In the early 2000s, texting was still somewhat of a novelty. People were just getting used to having cell phones, and many were still attached to their landlines.

Fast-forward to the 2010s, and texting has become an indispensable part of daily life for most people. Kids as young as ten have their own phones, and even grandparents are getting into the texting game. It's more than just a way to say, "Hey, how are you?" It's how we make plans, share news, and even conduct business.

The Evolution of Language in Texting

Texting also brought about a unique language all its own. In the early days, we had to press a key multiple times to get to the letter we wanted, so people came up with shortcuts like "BRB" for "be right back" and "LOL" for "laugh out loud."

As smartphones came into the picture, our texting language evolved even more, introducing a world of emojis, GIFs, and memes. A single emoji can now convey what might have taken several words or sentences to explain. It's as if we've come full circle, back to a more pictorial form of communication, much like ancient hieroglyphs.

The Psychology Behind Texting Styles

Texting is much more than tapping letters on a screen; it's a form of social interaction governed by its own set of unspoken rules and expectations. What complicates this are the different texting styles people adopt, often without even realizing it.

Whether someone is a "dry texter" because of their personality or because they're simply unaware of how their messages come across, understanding the psychology behind texting can offer us valuable insights into our relationships and interactions.

Texting as a Form of Social Interaction

We often think of texting as just a convenient way to relay information, but there's a whole lot more going on beneath the surface. Social scientists have long studied how we communicate, and they argue that each message we send carries social weight.

In texting, as in face-to-face conversations, we're not just exchanging words; we're also exchanging social cues, setting boundaries, and forming relationships. Understanding this can help us make sense of why some people, like "dry texters," might communicate the way they do.

What Your Texting Style Says About You

Studies have actually linked texting styles to different personality types.

For instance, a 2016 research paper from Binghamton University suggested that people who use proper punctuation, like periods at the end of sentences, may be seen as less sincere in texts. On the other hand, those who use lots of emojis are often perceived as more friendly and expressive.

What this tells us is that your texting style might reveal more about you than you think. So, when someone is a "dry texter," it may be reflective of their personality—perhaps they are more reserved or simply prefer straightforward communication.

The Separation of Intent and Interpretation

One big challenge with texting is that it lacks the facial expressions, voice tone, and body language that help us understand meaning in face-to-face conversations. Imagine sending a joke to a friend. In person, your smile would signal that you're joking. Over text, your message can easily be misinterpreted.

This is especially true with "dry texters," whose brief and unemotional messages can often leave the recipient puzzled or even anxious. What might be a simple, to-the-point reply for the sender can feel like a cold shoulder to the recipient. Since good communication is key to any relationship, knowing how your texts are interpreted is important.

Types of Texters

old landline phone

Understanding the various types of texters helps us better navigate the world of digital communication. It's essential to recognize that not everyone texts the same way we do.

While some might argue that being an Over-Communicator is better than being a Dry Texter, or vice versa, the key is to find a balance and be mindful of how our texting style impacts others.

The Over-Communicator

We all know someone like this... the Over-Communicator sends paragraph-long texts, complete with emojis, GIFs, and sometimes even memes. They want to share every detail, from what they had for breakfast to the funny thing their dog did. While it's great to have such open communication, their messages can sometimes feel overwhelming.

Jake, a college student, says, "I love my mom, but her texts are like essays! Sometimes I can't keep up."

The Balanced Texter

The Balanced Texter has mastered the art of texting just the right amount. They know when to be detailed and when to keep it short. Their texts are usually easy to understand and to the point, yet they don't mind diving into deeper conversations when the situation calls for it.

Emily, a 29-year-old teacher, believes she falls into this category. "I try to match the other person's texting style," she says, "It keeps the conversation flowing smoothly."

The Dry Texter

Ah, the enigmatic Dry Texter—the focus of our article. They're the ones whose messages are often short, to the point, and devoid of any flair. A "Hey, what's up?" from you might get a simple "Hi" in return. They're not big on emojis, and their texts often leave you wondering if they're upset or just really busy.

Mark, a 40-year-old accountant, admits to being a Dry Texter. "I just don't see the need for all the extra stuff," he explains, "If you ask me a yes-or-no question, I'll give you a yes-or-no answer."

Why Being a "Dry Texter" is Often Misunderstood

By recognizing that various factors influence how people text, we can avoid making quick judgments about someone's interest or emotional state based solely on the "dryness" of their texts.

Whether it's being swamped with responsibilities, coming from a different cultural background, or simply not being tech-savvy, understanding these nuances can lead to more effective and empathetic communication.

Busy Lives and Other Priorities

In today's multitasking society, many of us juggle various responsibilities like work, education, family, and personal interests. For individuals like Sarah, a 34-year-old working mom of two and part-time student, life is a constant balancing act.

"My friends sometimes get annoyed because my replies are usually one-worded or really short," she says. "What they don't realize is that I'm simultaneously managing deadlines at work, helping my kids with homework, and trying to catch up on my own studies. Texting becomes a lower priority, not because I don't care but because I simply can't give it more time."

Example: Sarah once missed a long text from her best friend Julie about a relationship problem. Julie got upset when Sarah replied with, "Sorry, that sucks." It took a heart-to-heart conversation for Julie to understand that Sarah's brief response was not an indication of her interest level but rather a result of her hectic schedule.

Cultural Differences in Communication

Cultural norms play a significant role in shaping our communication styles. Hiroshi, a 27-year-old graduate student from Tokyo, Japan, found it challenging to adapt to the American way of texting when he first moved to the U.S. for his studies.

"In Japan, communication is often more subtle. We don't necessarily express emotions openly," he says. Hiroshi found himself inadvertently offending classmates who misinterpreted his concise texting style as indifference or hostility.

Example: When Hiroshi was invited to a classmate's birthday party via text, he responded with a simple "Thank you. I will come." His classmate, unfamiliar with Japanese communication norms, expected a more enthusiastic response and felt Hiroshi was not excited about the event. This led to a moment of awkwardness that had to be clarified later.

Different Comfort Levels with Technology

Technological literacy can greatly influence how comfortable one is with expressive texting. For individuals like Linda, a 60-year-old retiree who didn't grow up with smartphones, the world of emojis, GIFs, and text lingo feels foreign.

"I know how to type out what I mean, but all these other things like emojis and acronyms confuse me," she says. As a result, Linda's texts to her younger relatives come off as dry and unemotional, leading them to think she is not interested in engaging.

Example: Linda once texted her grandson Tim to wish him luck for his school football game. She wrote, "Good luck. Love, Grandma." Tim felt the message was a bit cold, expecting at least a smiley face or a thumbs-up emoji. It wasn't until a family gathering that Linda learned about emojis and how they could add warmth to her messages.

How to Deal with a Dry Texter

Dealing with a dry texter doesn't have to be a stressful experience. By approaching the situation with an open mind and a willingness to adapt, we can foster better communication and, ultimately, more meaningful relationships.

1. Don't Jump to Conclusions

It's easy to interpret a dry text as a sign that the person isn't interested in talking, but as we've seen, there are many reasons why someone might be texting this way. Before you jump to conclusions, consider the various factors that could be at play.

For example, if you're texting a new acquaintance who seems to be a dry texter, give them the benefit of the doubt. They might just be busy or uncomfortable with texting as a form of communication.

Example: Imagine you texted your colleague Karen to ask if she'd like to join you for lunch and she responds with a "Sure." Instead of assuming she's not excited, consider that she might just be in the middle of a work task and didn't have the time for a more elaborate reply.

2. Be Direct but Respectful

If the dry texting is causing confusion or hindering communication, it might be helpful to address it directly. You can ask if everything is alright or if text is the best way to communicate for them.

However, it's important to approach the subject respectfully, understanding that everyone has different comfort levels and styles when it comes to texting.

Example: Let's say you've been texting with a friend for a while, and their dry texting is making you anxious. You might say something like, "Hey, I've noticed your texts are usually pretty short. Is texting a good way for us to communicate, or would you prefer another method?"

3. Match Their Texting Style (Within Reason)

While it's not necessary to completely mimic the other person's texting style, sometimes matching their brevity can make the conversation flow more smoothly. This is especially true in the early stages of getting to know someone, as it establishes a level of comfort and mutual understanding.

Example: If you're texting with someone like Mark, the accountant who admits to being a dry texter, you might opt for straightforward and concise texts. This shows you respect his preference for efficient communication.

4. Use Context Clues

Sometimes, you can gather a lot from what isn't said. If someone is a consistent dry texter but suddenly sends a more detailed message or uses an emoji, that's a clue they might be more engaged or excited about the topic at hand.

Example: If Sarah, the busy mom, usually replies with one-word texts but suddenly sends a longer text with an emoji, it could signal that she's particularly interested in that subject or has more time to chat at that moment.

Coping Mechanisms if You Are the Dry Texter


Being a dry texter is not a flaw; it's just a communication style. By adopting these coping mechanisms, you can bridge the gap between your natural texting style and the expectations of those around you. This helps you maintain healthy relationships and minimizes misunderstandings stemming from digital communication.

1. Communicate Your Style Early On

Honesty is key. If you're aware that your texting style leans towards the dry end, it may be helpful to let people know early on in your interactions. This prevents misunderstandings and sets the stage for open communication.

Example: If you're like Hiroshi, who comes from a cultural background where expressive texting isn't the norm, you might explain this to new friends or colleagues. A simple statement like, "Just so you know, I'm not a very expressive texter, but that doesn't mean I'm not interested in our conversations," can go a long way.

2. Use Pre-Formatted Responses

If you find texting cumbersome but don't want to come off as disengaged, pre-formatted or canned responses might be a solution. These are pre-written texts that you can send with a single tap, allowing you to maintain a conversation without investing too much time or effort.

Example: Imagine you're Sarah, the working mom. You could have pre-formatted texts like "Can't talk right now, but let's catch up soon!" or "I'm interested but swamped. Tell me more later." These responses allow you to maintain relationships without adding to your already busy life.

3. Utilize Other Forms of Communication

If texting isn't your strong suit, why force it? Maybe you're more comfortable with phone calls, video chats, or face-to-face conversations. Encourage your friends and family to interact with you through these other channels when possible.

Example: Mark, the accountant, prefers phone calls over texts. He often tells his friends, "If it's something important, feel free to call me. I'm better with talking than texting."

4. Set Expectations with Close Contacts

If you have close friends or family members who are more expressive texters, it may be worth having a conversation about your differences in texting styles. This can help avoid any long-term misunderstandings or hurt feelings.

Example: Linda, the retiree, sat her grandchildren down and explained that while she's learning to use emojis, her default style is straightforward. She encouraged them to call her if they ever felt that her texts were too impersonal.

5. Practice Empathy

Remember that your style of communication can affect others. If someone seems upset or confused by your dry texting, take a moment to explain yourself and assure them that your brevity is not a sign of disinterest or disrespect.

Example: If you're like Sarah, who is busy but values her friendships, taking a few seconds to send a text like "Crazy day, but I want to hear all about yours when I have a moment," can reassure your friends that you do care, even when your texts are brief.

Quiz: Are You a Dry Texter?

This quiz is a simple tool to help you better understand your texting style. If you find that you're a dry texter, that's perfectly okay! Refer to our section on coping mechanisms for dry texters for tips on how to navigate different communication styles effectively.

Instructions: Read each statement and choose the option that most closely aligns with your texting habits. Keep track of your points for each answer.

1. When you receive a text message, how long does it usually take you to respond?

  • Immediately (2 points)
  • Within an hour (1 point)
  • A few hours to a day (0 points)

2. How often do you use emojis in your texts?

  • All the time! 😃 (0 points)
  • Occasionally, when it feels appropriate (1 point)
  • Almost never (2 points)

3. When someone asks how your day was, your typical response is:

  • A detailed account of your day (0 points)
  • "Good, how about you?" (1 point)
  • "Fine." (2 points)

4. When making plans with friends through text, your messages are usually:

  • Filled with excitement and suggestions (0 points)
  • Straightforward, sticking to the details (1 point)
  • Very brief, just confirming the time and place (2 points)

5. Your friend sends you a long text updating you on their life. How do you respond?

  • With an equally long and detailed text (0 points)
  • A moderate-length response acknowledging what they said (1 point)
  • A short response like "Cool!" or "Glad to hear!" (2 points)

6. Your go-to texting punctuation is:

  • Exclamation marks and question marks!!! (0 points)
  • A mix of periods, commas, and occasional exclamation marks. (1 point)
  • Mainly periods. (2 points)

7. You view texting primarily as a way to:

  • Connect and build relationships (0 points)
  • Communicate necessary information (1 point)
  • Coordinate plans and logistics (2 points)


  • 0-6 Points: You're definitely not a dry texter. Your texts are expressive and full of detail.
  • 7-11 Points: You're somewhere in the middle. You can be expressive when needed, but you also appreciate the utility of straightforward communication.
  • 12-14 Points: You are most likely a dry texter. Your messages are usually brief, to the point, and focused on conveying essential information.


Texting is more than just a tool for communication; it's a window into how we interact, connect, and maintain relationships in a digital age. As we've explored, being a dry texter isn't a bad thing; it's simply a different style of conveying information. And like any style, it has its own set of challenges and opportunities.

We've journeyed through the possible reasons why someone might be a dry texter—ranging from personality traits and time constraints to cultural factors. Understanding these variables can provide us with a more empathetic lens through which to view short and terse text messages.

For those dealing with a dry texter, remember, it's crucial not to jump to conclusions. Consider other factors that may be at play and try to adapt your texting style to find a middle ground. And if you are the dry texter, being aware of your communication style can help you better navigate the texting waters, avoiding misunderstandings and strengthening your relationships.

Whether you're the one sending brief texts or the one puzzling over a received one, the key to overcoming the challenges of dry texting lies in understanding and empathy. By recognizing that each person's texting style is influenced by a variety of factors, we can create space for more meaningful interactions, both online and offline.

Reference this article:

Practical Psychology. (2023, September). Dry Texting (Definition + Examples + Types Of Texters). Retrieved from https://practicalpie.com/dry-texting/.

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