15 Consequences For Ignoring A Narcissist

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Ignoring a narcissist can lead to intense reactions, including anger, manipulation, and potential self-destruction, as their need for attention is unfulfilled.

Narcissists thrive on a continuous supply of attention and admiration from others, often referred to as their 'narcissistic supply.' This supply is crucial for maintaining their inflated self-perception and masking their deep-seated insecurities.

ignoring a narcissist

The role of attention in sustaining a narcissist's ego cannot be overstated. It is like oxygen to them... without it, they feel suffocated and threatened. Every compliment, every acknowledgment, and every validation feeds their grandiose self-image. When this attention is withdrawn, narcissists feel a profound loss, almost akin to a physical one. This loss can trigger a range of reactions that are rooted in their desperate need to regain their narcissistic supply.

For instance, imagine a charismatic leader used to constant praise and admiration from his team. If his team starts ignoring him, no longer laughing at his jokes or praising his ideas, he would feel an intense lack of control. This threat to his narcissistic supply could trigger manipulative and controlling behaviors, as he strives to regain the attention he feels entitled to.

The Narcissist's Reaction to Being Ignored

The immediate emotional response of a narcissist being ignored typically involves anger, denial, and manipulation. They might lash out at the person ignoring them, accusing them of being ungrateful or selfish. Alternatively, they might deny any change in the person's behavior, insisting that they are still as adored and admired as ever. In some cases, they may resort to manipulative tactics, such as guilt-tripping or gaslighting, to regain the person's attention.

The long-term repercussions of ignoring a narcissist can be severe, leading to what is known as 'narcissistic injury' and 'narcissistic rage.' Narcissistic injury refers to the damage to a narcissist's self-esteem or self-worth, while narcissistic rage is an intense anger directed at the person they perceive as causing this injury. This rage can manifest as verbal abuse, physical aggression, or punitive actions like spreading rumors or damaging the person's property.

Consider a narcissistic partner who is used to dominating their relationship. If their partner starts ignoring them, the narcissist might initially react with anger and denial, accusing their partner of being cold and uncaring. If the ignoring continues, the narcissist might resort to manipulative tactics, such as emotional blackmail or playing the victim. Over time, the continuous denial of their narcissistic supply could trigger a narcissistic injury, leading to explosive bouts of anger and potential retaliation.

The Narcissist's Manipulative Tactics

Narcissists are skilled manipulators, and when ignored, they often resort to various tactics to regain attention. One such tactic is gaslighting, a psychological maneuver where they manipulate others into questioning their reality. For example, they might deny saying something hurtful or accuse the person of being overly sensitive or misremembering events.

Another common tactic is playing the victim. Narcissists are experts at turning the tables and making themselves appear as the wronged party. If ignored, they might portray themselves as being unfairly treated, hoping to provoke guilt in the person ignoring them and regain their attention.

For instance, a narcissistic friend who's being ignored might start spreading rumors that their friend is arrogant and has changed. By playing the victim ("I don't know why they're suddenly too good for me") they attempt to rally mutual friends to their side, using their sympathy to replenish their narcissistic supply.

Your Emotional Well-being

Ignoring a narcissist can have a significant impact on your emotional well-being. On one hand, you may experience relief from the constant pressure of catering to the narcissist's needs and navigating their manipulation. This newfound freedom can provide a respite from the emotional exhaustion that often accompanies dealing with a narcissist.

However, ignoring a narcissist can also induce feelings of guilt and confusion. Narcissists are adept at making others feel responsible for their emotional state. Thus, disengaging might make you feel as if you're abandoning them or exacerbating their distress.

Consider the case of Maria, who decided to ignore her narcissistic mother. While she felt a sense of relief not having to constantly validate her mother's exaggerated achievements, she also struggled with guilt, questioning if she was being a bad daughter by distancing herself. Her confusion was further fueled by her mother's manipulative behavior, such as crying bouts and guilt-tripping messages.

The Possible Self-Destructive Path

When consistently ignored, a narcissist may embark on a self-destructive path. The absence of their narcissistic supply can result in feelings of isolation and loneliness. The narcissist, used to being the center of attention, might find this new reality deeply unsettling, leading to a significant drop in their self-esteem.

Some narcissists might engage in risk-taking behaviors to fill this void. They might resort to substance abuse, reckless driving, or promiscuity, seeking thrill or validation in these destructive behaviors. Such actions serve two purposes: they provide a temporary distraction from their feelings of worthlessness and are a desperate bid to attract attention.

What about David, a narcissistic individual who was used to being admired and sought after in his social circle. When his friends started ignoring him due to his toxic behavior, he felt a deep sense of abandonment. To cope with his isolation, he started engaging in reckless behaviors, such as excessive drinking and drug use, further alienating his friends and damaging his own health.

Dealing with Narcissistic Rage

Understanding and recognizing narcissistic rage is crucial when choosing to ignore a narcissist. As mentioned earlier, narcissistic rage is an intense anger that narcissists express when feeling threatened or ignored. It can manifest as yelling, name-calling, physical aggression, or other forms of emotional abuse.

In dealing with narcissistic rage, it's important to safeguard yourself. This might involve physical precautions, such as distancing yourself from the narcissist if they become violent, or emotional precautions, such as setting boundaries and seeking support from trusted individuals or professionals.

Suppose you're a teacher ignoring a narcissistic parent who consistently undermines your teaching methods. When they start sending you aggressive emails or confronting you angrily, it's important to maintain your boundaries—refusing to engage in heated arguments, for instance—and to inform the school authorities about the situation, ensuring your safety and support in handling the parent.

The Role of Professional Help

While it's challenging for narcissists to recognize their destructive patterns and seek help, it's not impossible. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) can be particularly effective in helping narcissists understand their behavior, identify their irrational beliefs, and develop healthier coping strategies.

Getting a narcissist to seek therapy often requires intervention from family members or close friends. They can play a critical role in encouraging the narcissist to seek help, providing the necessary push for them to acknowledge their harmful behaviors and the need for change.

For instance, if a narcissistic individual, after being ignored by their partner, starts showing signs of depression or engages in self-harm, their partner or close friends might intervene, urging them to seek professional help. In therapy, the narcissist can learn to recognize their unhealthy patterns and develop new, more constructive ways of relating to others.

Protecting Yourself When Ignoring a Narcissist

Ignoring a narcissist can be emotionally taxing, and it's essential to take steps to protect yourself during this time. Establishing and maintaining firm boundaries is key. This might involve clearly defining what behaviors you'll tolerate, limiting contact with the narcissist, or deciding on consequences if the narcissist violates these boundaries.

Seeking support from trusted individuals or groups can also be incredibly beneficial. This could be friends, family, a counselor, or a support group for individuals dealing with narcissists. They can provide emotional support, practical advice, and the reassurance that you're not alone in your experiences.

Let's consider the example of Laura, who decided to ignore her narcissistic coworker, Mike. She established boundaries by limiting her interactions with Mike and refraining from responding to his provocative comments. She also joined a support group for individuals dealing with workplace bullying, which provided her with helpful strategies and the comfort of shared experiences.

The Potential for Change in the Narcissist

Ignoring a narcissist may lead them to a crossroads. The loss of their narcissistic supply can prompt some narcissists to self-reflect and recognize their maladaptive behaviors. However, change is a complex, challenging process and often requires professional intervention.

Despite the difficulty, change is not impossible. Over time and with consistent therapeutic work, a narcissist may learn to develop healthier relationships and coping mechanisms. Signs of progress could include increased self-awareness, empathy, and a willingness to accept responsibility for their actions.

Consider the case of Robert, a narcissist who was consistently ignored by his partner, Jane. The threat to his narcissistic supply led him to confront his behaviors, and with Jane's encouragement, he started attending therapy. Over time, Robert began to exhibit greater empathy and less defensiveness, indicating progress in his therapeutic journey.

The Long-Term Consequences of Ignoring a Narcissist

Ignoring a narcissist can have long-term consequences, both for the narcissist and for yourself. For the narcissist, it might prompt a journey of self-reflection and change, or it could lead to a deepening of their destructive behaviors. Your own mental and emotional health may improve as you distance yourself from the narcissist's toxicity, although feelings of guilt and confusion may persist.

In the long run, ignoring a narcissist can be an effective strategy to protect your well-being and potentially prompt change in the narcissist. However, it's crucial to remember that every situation is unique, and what works for one person might not work for another. If you decide to ignore a narcissist, ensure you have a robust support system in place and consider seeking professional advice to navigate this challenging situation.

15 Things They Might Do

  1. Anger: They may react with an intense, immediate outburst of anger. This is usually their initial response to the threat of losing their narcissistic supply.
  2. Denial: Narcissists might deny the change in your behavior, insisting they still receive the same amount of attention and admiration.
  3. Manipulation: They can employ various manipulative tactics to regain your attention, such as guilt-tripping or gaslighting.
  4. Playing the Victim: Narcissists might portray themselves as the wronged party, hoping to provoke guilt and regain your attention.
  5. Smear Campaign: They may start spreading rumors about you, attempting to paint themselves as the victim and tarnish your reputation.
  6. Hoovering: This refers to their attempts to suck you back into the relationship, often by behaving charmingly or promising to change.
  7. Narcissistic Rage: If their initial reactions don't work, they might experience narcissistic rage, an intense anger and aggression directed at you.
  8. Isolation: With the loss of their narcissistic supply, they might withdraw socially, feeling isolated and lonely.
  9. Engaging in Risky Behaviors: They might resort to substance abuse, reckless driving, or promiscuity in a bid to attract attention or cope with their feelings of worthlessness.
  10. Depression: The loss of their narcissistic supply can lead to depressive symptoms in some narcissists.
  11. Stalking: In some extreme cases, narcissists might resort to stalking, either physically or online, in a desperate bid to regain control.
  12. Threats: They might make threats, either against you or themselves, in an attempt to manipulate you into paying attention to them.
  13. Creating a New Narcissistic Supply: If they can't regain your attention, they might quickly move on to a new person who can provide them with the admiration they crave.
  14. Seeking Professional Help: In rare cases, the loss of their narcissistic supply might prompt them to recognize their harmful behaviors and seek therapy.
  15. Change: If they choose to seek help, they might start exhibiting signs of change over time, such as increased self-awareness, empathy, and a willingness to take responsibility for their actions.

Reference this article:

Practical Psychology. (2023, March). 15 Consequences For Ignoring A Narcissist. Retrieved from https://practicalpie.com/ignoring-a-narcissist/.

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