Sexual Orientation Test (100% Free 3-Min Quiz)

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How do you identify?

This may not be a question you have been asked in the earlier years of your life, but as conversations about gender and sexuality are becoming more prevalent, it’s a more “normal” question to ask.

People do not want to assume that everyone around them is straight or cisgender. We share our pronouns on Zoom calls and use more general terms when talking about partners, spouses, etc. 

This change may be uncomfortable to some, but past that discomfort is a chance to truly explore who you are and who you love. Not sure about your sexual orientation? This quiz is a great place to start. The results may not be how you later identify, but that is okay. How you label your sexual orientation and gender identity is ultimately up to you. (And if you don’t want to put a label on it, that’s okay, too!) 

As you explore these questions and the results, take some time to familiarize yourself with terms used to describe sexual orientation and gender identity. There is more than just “gay” and “straight.”

This also gives people more wiggle room to explore themselves and take on the label that works for their life and their feelings. 

What Is Sexual Orientation? 

Sexual orientation is an identity that specifies which gender(s) a person finds sexually or romantically attractive. Examples of sexual orientation include heterosexual (“straight,”) homosexual (“gay,”) bisexual, pansexual, and more. Take note that sexual orientation is different than gender identity. 

sexual orientation self reported

Sexual orientation is a fundamental aspect of human diversity that has been recognized and studied across cultures and throughout history. People may experience their sexual orientation as a consistent and stable part of their identity, or it may be fluid and change over time.

Some people may experience attraction to individuals of the same gender, opposite gender, multiple genders, or no gender at all. The complexity and variability of sexual orientation highlight the importance of respecting and celebrating the diversity of human experience.

Research suggests that sexual orientation may be influenced by a combination of biological, psychological, and social factors. Biological factors may include genetics, hormones, and brain structure and function.

Psychological factors may include early childhood experiences, family dynamics, and individual personality traits. Social factors may include cultural norms, media representation, and social networks. However, the exact nature and interplay of these factors is still not fully understood, and it is likely that sexual orientation is the result of complex and interacting factors.

It is important to note that sexual orientation is not a choice, and attempts to change or suppress one's sexual orientation can be harmful and traumatic. Instead, individuals should be supported and respected in their sexual orientation, and given access to resources and information to help them explore and understand their identity.

This includes access to inclusive and affirmative healthcare, education, and legal protections that support the wellbeing and dignity of all individuals, regardless of their sexual orientation.

Sexual Orientation vs. Gender Identity 

sexuality test

Sexual orientation only covers the LGB in LGBT. It is a separate concept from gender identity. Whereas sexual orientation determines who you are attracted to, gender identity specifies how you identify yourself. Sex and gender are two different concepts. For the purpose of this quiz, we will be referring to people who identify as the same gender as you. A straight man is attracted to women, including cisgender women and transgender women. 

“Cisgender” means that your gender identity “matches” the sex that you were born into. “Transgender” means that your gender identity is different. There is nothing better or worse about being one or the other. 

Different Sexual Orientations 

I know this is already a lot of terms to wrap your head around, but that’s just the nature of the evolving language regarding gender identity. Without much access to education regarding gender studies in most schools, it can appear that the terms “bisexual” or “gay” is a lot of “new information.”

In reality, many of these terms have been around for decades and the concept of same-gender relationships has existed for hundreds of years. 

Some sexual orientations that you may or may not be familiar with include: 

  • Gay: people attracted to those of the same gender (although this term is typically used for men who are attracted to men, women who are attracted to women may prefer this term for themselves.) 
  • Lesbian: women who are attracted to women 
  • Bisexual: historically, this term has been used to describe people who are attracted to “both genders” 
  • Pansexual: people attracted to people of all genders
  • Asexual: people who only form romantic relationships and prefer not to have sex 
  • Queer: an “umbrella term” used to describe being in the LGBTQ+ community 

There are other terms for people who have specific sexual preferences, including demisexual (people who form a close, romantic connection before they have sex) and sapiosexual (people who are attracted to a person’s intelligence.) 

You should also know that it is okay, and very common for people to hide the fact that they aren't straight. There are many signs you can look for if you think someone is pretending to be straight, but conversations about the topic should be started with caution.

How to Confirm Your Sexual Orientation

If you are questioning your sexual orientation, you simply need to explore it more! There is nothing wrong with not knowing how you identify or thinking you may identify differently than how you have identified in life.

People may question their sexualities at a young age, in college, after they have been in a heterosexual marriage, or even much later in life. All of these timelines are okay. 

It is important to note that sexual orientation is a deeply personal and complex aspect of identity, and there is no single "correct" way to confirm it. Here are some tips and resources that may be helpful in exploring and understanding your sexual orientation:

  1. Educate yourself: Learn about the different sexual orientations and the experiences of individuals who identify with them. This can include reading books, watching films or documentaries, or talking to people who have different sexual orientations.
  2. Reflect on your feelings and experiences: Take time to think about your attractions, fantasies, and romantic or sexual experiences. Consider whether you feel drawn to individuals of a specific gender or genders, and how these attractions may have changed or developed over time.
  3. Seek support: Reach out to trusted friends, family members, or a mental health professional who can provide support and guidance as you explore your sexual orientation. You can also find online or in-person support groups and resources that are specifically designed for individuals who are questioning their sexual orientation.
  4. Experiment safely: If you feel comfortable, you may choose to experiment with your attraction to individuals of different genders in a safe and consensual way. This may include dating, flirting, or engaging in sexual activity with individuals of different genders. It is important to prioritize safety and consent in any sexual interactions, and to communicate openly with your partners about your boundaries and expectations.
  5. Remember that sexual orientation is fluid: It is normal for sexual orientation to change or evolve over time, and it is okay to feel unsure or confused about your sexual orientation at any point in your life. The most important thing is to honor and respect your own feelings and experiences, and to seek support and resources that can help you navigate this aspect of your identity.
  6. Take the Free Test Above: By answering questions and statements about certain topics, you can learn more about yourself by revealing deep thoughts or unexplored ideas you may be holding.

Exploring your sexuality doesn’t have to mean that you should break up with your partner or form intimate connections with multiple people. Talk to people in the LGBTQ community, friends, or a counselor. Be open and honest. If you find that experiences of those in the LGBTQ community match your experiences and feelings, you may feel comfortable identifying as LGBTQ. 

How to Support the LGBTQ+ Community 

For those that do identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, etc., times are proving to be scary. No rights are guaranteed. Work still needs to be done to ensure that people in the LGBTQ+ community have equal access to family planning, housing rights, and affirming medical care. 

Some ways you can support the LGBTQ community include: 

  • Supporting political candidates who vow to protect the LGBTQ+ community 
  • Asking the school board in your area what they are doing to protect LGBTQ+ kids 
  • Buying products from queer-owned businesses and creators 
  • Continuing to educate yourself on LGBTQ+ terminology (you’re doing a great job, so far!) 
  • Reaching out to LGBTQ+ members of your community and letting them know you want to offer them a safe space 

Educate yourself about the experiences and issues faced by the LGBT community. This can include reading articles, books, and other resources about LGBT history, identities, and rights. It is important to seek out information from a variety of sources to gain a well-rounded understanding of the issues at hand.

Listen to the experiences and perspectives of LGBT individuals and communities. This means being open to hearing their stories, asking questions respectfully, and being willing to learn from them. Avoid making assumptions or speaking over LGBT individuals, and instead create a space for them to share their experiences and feelings.

Use language that is inclusive and respectful of all genders and sexual orientations. This includes using preferred pronouns, avoiding gendered language when it is not necessary, and avoiding slurs or derogatory language that can be harmful to LGBT individuals.

Speak out against discrimination and hate speech directed towards LGBT individuals. This can include calling out offensive jokes or comments, reporting discriminatory behavior, and supporting policies and organizations that promote equality and inclusion.

Offer support to LGBT individuals and communities in your personal and professional life. This can include attending LGBT events, volunteering at LGBT organizations, or donating to LGBT charities. It is important to be respectful of the needs and preferences of LGBT individuals and communities, and to seek out opportunities for support that are genuinely helpful and empowering.

Below, you'll find a video with a sexual orientation self-reported test, feel free to watch!

Test Questions 

  1. Why are you taking this test?
    1. I just thought it would be silly! - Straight
    2. I am questioning my sexuality - Consider exploring more
    3. To see how gay I am - Gay, Bi, Pan, etc. 
  2. Do you ever find yourself attracted to someone who identifies as the same gender identity as you?
    1. Yes - Gay, Bi, Pan, etc. 
    2. Sometimes - Gay, Bi, Pan, etc. 
    3. No - Straight
    4. I’m not sure - Consider Exploring More 
  3. Do you ever find yourself attracted to someone who identifies as a different gender identity than you?
    1. Yes - Straight
    2. Sometimes - Gay, Bi, Pan, etc. 
    3. No - Gay, Bi, Pan, etc. 
    4. I’m not sure - Consider Exploring More 
  4. Have you ever kissed someone who identifies as the same gender as you?
    1. No - Consider Exploring More 
    2. No, I’ve never kissed anyone - Consider Exploring More
    3. Yes, but I didn’t enjoy it - Straight 
    4. Yes, and I enjoyed it - Gay, Bi, Pan, etc.
  5. Have you given yourself the chance to explore gay romantic relationships?
    1. Yes, but it wasn’t for me - Straight
    2. Yes, and I enjoyed it - Gay, Bi, Pan, etc.
    3. No, I’m too nervous - Consider Exploring More 
    4. No, it doesn’t interest me - Straight 
  6. Have you ever had fantasies about being with someone who identifies as the same gender as you?
    1. Yes, frequently! - Gay, Bi, Pan, etc. 
    2. Yes, but not as often as I have fantasies about people of the opposite gender - Gay, Bi, Pan, etc. 
    3. Yes, but I’ve never pursued them - Consider Exploring More 
    4. No - Straight
  7. Would you be surprised if your best friend came out to you as LGBTQ?
    1. Yes, but I would support them - Straight
    2. No, but I secretly wish they would come out… - Gay, Bi, Pan, Etc. 
    3. Yes, but I’m surprised they wouldn’t have come out sooner! - Straight
    4. No, most of my friends are LGBTQ - Consider Exploring More 
  8. Do you have access to many gay people or resources to whom you can talk about your sexuality?
    1. No, but I could seek them out if I needed to - Consider Exploring More
    2. No, it seems like no one around me is LGBTQ - Gay, Bi, Pan, etc.  
    3. Yes, we talk openly about our sexuality - Straight  
  9. How frequently do you fantasize about being with someone who identifies as the same gender as you?
    1. All the time - Gay, Bi, Pan, etc. 
    2. Once in a blue moon, but rarely - Consider Exploring More 
    3. Not at all - Straight 
  10. Let’s say you wake up one morning and only people who identify as the same gender as you are left on the planet. How would you feel?
    1. Relieved! - Gay, Bi, Pan, etc. 
    2. I’m not sure. It would be nice to have an excuse to explore my sexuality! - Consider Exploring More
    3. Concerned. I don’t think the world would last very long! - Straight 
  11. If your partner wanted to add a third person of your same gender to your relationship, you would:
    1. Welcome them in! - Gay, Bi, Pan, etc 
    2. I would try it once! - Consider Exploring More 
    3. Allow it if that’s what my partner really wanted…. - Straight 
    4. Absolutely refuse - Straight 
  12. Have you ever watched explicit content featuring gay relationships?
    1. Yes, and I enjoyed it - Gay, Bi, Pan, etc. 
    2. Yes, but it wasn’t for me - Straight 
    3. No, but I’ve thought about it - Consider Exploring More 
    4. No, it doesn’t interest me much - Straight 
  13. How do you feel when you watch or read LGBTQ stories or other forms of media?
    1. I’m happy for the characters when they fall in love at the end! - Straight
    2. Sometimes, I wish that I had that type of relationship for myself - Gay, Bi, Pan, etc. 
    3. I don’t watch much LGBTQ media. - Consider Exploring More
    4. That’s something I don’t want to consume. - Consider Exploring More 
  14. Do you feel that you may be attracted to people across the gender spectrum?
    1. I’m not sure - Consider Exploring More
    2. Yes! - Gay, Bi, Pan, etc. 
    3. No, I am only attracted to the opposite gender - Straight
    4. No, I am only attracted to the same gender - Gay, Bi, Pan, etc. 
  15. When you are at the beach, who do you catch yourself looking at?
    1. Everyone! - Consider Exploring More
    2. People who identify the same as me - Gay, Bi, Pan, etc. 
    3. People who identify as the opposite sex - Straight 



Mostly “Straight” Answers

You’re straight, and that’s okay! It does not appear based on your answers that you are in the LGBTQ+ community. However, this test cannot tell you who you are or what you want out of life. If you want to explore your sexuality further, no one is stopping you! If you have questions about your gender identity, do not use this as a final answer.

Know that even if you find yourself attracted to some people of the same gender, go on a few dates with people of the same gender, etc. you can still identify as straight. Only you can decide that for yourself! As long as you are honest with your partners and dates, identify how you please. 

Gay, Bi, Pan, etc. 

Mostly “Gay, Bi, Pan, etc.” Answers

Based on your answers, you are likely to be gay, lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, etc. Is this a surprise? That’s okay. This is not the end-all, be-all test for sexual orientation, so it’s okay to continue exploring. But know that however you identify, and however long it takes you to come out of the closet, you are perfect the way you are. No one can tell you that you are one thing or another because that’s how they see you. Sexual orientation, just like gender identity, is very personal. Explore it, own it, and live your truth on your terms!

Consider Exploring More 

Mostly “Consider Exploring More” Answers 

Maybe you don’t know how to identify yourself, and that’s okay! Sexuality is not concrete. Although you may have had same-gender relationships in the past, you may find that they are not for you, or vice versa. Just know that it is totally okay to change your mind, experiment, and let others know that you are still figuring things out for yourself. Only you can determine who you are attracted to. 

Consider exploring your sexuality more. Talk openly with friends, especially those in the LGBTQ community. Expose yourself to LGBTQ media and literature. Join discussions online. You may find that your experiences align with people in the LGBTQ community and that their labels feel right for you. Or, you may realize that you’re not into people of the same gender! Every conclusion is okay, as long as you are honest with yourself.

Reference this article:

Practical Psychology. (2022, May). Sexual Orientation Test (100% Free 3-Min Quiz). Retrieved from

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