45+ Transformational Leaders (Examples + Quiz)

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Published by:
Practical Psychology
Andrew English
Reviewed by:
Andrew English, Ph.D.

Have you ever wondered what makes someone a great leader? Is it the way they talk, the things they do, or the choices they make?

Well, you're in for a treat because today, we're diving deep into the world of leadership. But we're not just talking about any leaders; we're talking about "transformational leaders." These are the superheroes of leadership who change things for the better and inspire everyone around them.

Transformational leaders are like awesome coaches who not only guide their team but also inspire everyone to be better. They bring big changes and make people want to follow them because they have great ideas and a way of making everyone feel important.

In this article, we'll explore leadership and why it's so important. We'll get to know some of the most amazing transformational leaders from history, business, and politics. Want to know if you have what it takes to be a leader? Stick around till the end for a cool quiz!

What is Leadership?

Steve Jobs

Before we jump into the superhero world of transformational leaders, let's figure out what leadership \-

is. Leadership isn't just about being the boss or telling people what to do. It's about guiding a group of people toward a common goal.

Think of it like being the captain of a ship. The captain doesn't just steer; they also ensure everyone on board works together so the ship reaches its destination safely.

John C. Maxwell, a famous leadership expert, once said, "A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way." That sums it up pretty well! A leader doesn't just give orders; they set an example for others to follow.

Leadership is important in all parts of life. Whether on a sports team, in a club, or even in a group project at school, good leadership can make the difference between winning and losing, success and failure.

The great American statesman Benjamin Franklin said this: "Well done is better than well said." In other words, a true leader shows their worth through actions, not just words.

The Concept of Transformational Leadership

So you've got a grip on what general leadership is, right? Great! Now, let's delve into the amazing realm of transformational leadership. These aren't just any leaders; these are the superheroes of the leadership world.

What is a Transformational Leader?

First off, what exactly is a transformational leader? Imagine a coach who not only trains you but also makes you want to be the very best version of yourself. That's a transformational leader for you!

Transformational leaders not only bring about significant changes but also have this magnetic quality that makes people want to follow them. They possess unique traits that separate them from other types of leaders.

Key Characteristics

So what makes them so special? Let's break it down:

  • Visionary: Transformational leaders have something called 'vision.' They can look into the future and see what could be rather than what is. It's like having a magical map that outlines the steps to a better world. This vision isn't just for them; they share something to inspire everyone else.
  • Inspirational: Have you ever listened to someone speak and felt chills? Transformational leaders have the power to inspire. They use their words and actions to motivate others. It's not just about talking; it's about making you feel you can achieve the impossible.
  • Empathetic: Empathy is about understanding and sharing the feelings of others. Transformational leaders have loads of it. They can put themselves in your shoes, making you feel seen and understood. This builds trust, a crucial ingredient in any leader-follower relationship.
  • Accountable: Taking responsibility is a big deal. If something goes well, a transformational leader will credit the team. If something goes wrong, they'll step up and take responsibility. No blame games here!
  • Adaptive: The world is always changing, and so are the challenges we face. Transformational leaders are quick to adapt. They're flexible in their approaches and are willing to switch things up if something isn't working.
  • Encourages Creativity: They're not about keeping things the same old, same old. They encourage new ideas and creativity, making everyone feel they can contribute to the big picture.

Why are Transformational Leaders Important?

In today's world, everything is shifting quickly—technology, social issues, even the climate. To keep up with these rapid changes and to make the world a better place, we need leaders who are not just managers but visionaries. They can inspire collective action for positive change.

Imagine someone rallying people to fight against climate change or championing social justice. That's what a transformational leader does. They don't just respond to change; they drive it.

From Theory to Practice

Transformational leadership isn't new; it was introduced by James MacGregor Burns in 1978. Since then, it's been a hot topic in psychology and business. Researchers and experts have found that transformational leaders can significantly improve team morale, increase productivity, and even boost the well-being of entire communities.

So there you have it—the ins and outs of transformational leadership. They're the captains who not only steer the ship but make sure every single crew member is empowered to be their best self. Whether in politics, business, or social change, transformational leaders are the ones who bring dreams to life.

Business Examples

Indra Nooyi

As the former CEO of PepsiCo, Indra Nooyi was one of the most powerful women in business. She was known for steering the company towards both profitability and sustainability. Her focus on making PepsiCo a greener and more socially responsible organization sets her apart as a transformational leader.

Jeff Bezos

The founder of Amazon, Jeff Bezos, turned the way we shop on its head. Starting with an online bookstore, Bezos expanded Amazon into a retail giant that sells everything from groceries to electronics. His customer-centric philosophy and willingness to take risks make him a transformational leader.

Bill and Melinda Gates

Bill Gates is the guy who co-founded Microsoft, the company that gave us Windows and Office. Melinda Gates, his then-wife, has been a powerful force in business and philanthropy too. Together, they started the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. They didn't just sit back and enjoy their money; they decided to use it to solve some of the world's biggest problems. We're talking about things like poverty, hunger, and disease. From providing vaccines to kids in poor countries to improving education in the United States, they've been game-changers. They show that leadership is not just about making money; it's about making a difference.

Oprah Winfrey

Oprah rose from poverty and hardship to become one of the most influential media proprietors and philanthropists in the world. She broke numerous barriers and transformed daytime television with her focus on self-improvement, spirituality, and philanthropy. She also started a book club to inspire millions to read more.

Political Examples

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Serving as the President of the United States during the Great Depression and World War II, FDR implemented the New Deal, a series of programs, public work projects, financial reforms, and regulations to bring about relief and reform: his Fireside Chats, a series of radio broadcasts, shaped public opinion and policy.

Angela Merkel

The first female Chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel, has been recognized for her leadership within the EU and globally. Known for her pragmatic approach to solving crises, Merkel has tackled everything from the financial crisis to the issue of refugees with a sense of calm and reasoned decision-making.

Barack Obama

The 44th President of the United States, Barack Obama, broke barriers as the first African American to hold the office. His policies on healthcare and international relations, as well as his inspirational speaking style, make him a transformational leader.

Aung San Suu Kyi

Initially a symbol of peaceful resistance against military rule in Myanmar, Aung San Suu Kyi received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1991. Although her subsequent political actions have complicated her reputation, her initial impact as a transformational leader advocating for democracy and human rights was globally recognized.

Activist Examples

Malala Yousafzai

Imagine being a teenager and standing up for girls' education in a place where that idea is not popular. Malala Yousafzai, from Pakistan, did just that. Even after being attacked for her beliefs, she didn't stop. She went on to become the youngest-ever Nobel Prize winner. Her brave actions and words have inspired young people worldwide to stand up for what is right.

Susan B. Anthony

Susan B. Anthony was a key player in the women's suffrage movement in the United States. She worked tirelessly to get women the right to vote. Her leadership skills and vision were so impactful that she even got a coin with her face. Susan didn't live to see women get the vote, but her efforts set the stage for this big change.

Martin Luther King Jr.

Martin Luther King Jr. was a civil rights leader who fought against racial segregation in America during the 1950s and 1960s. His famous "I Have a Dream" speech inspired millions to seek equality and justice. He was a master orator who could move crowds, and his nonviolent methods became a template for other civil rights movements worldwide.

Nelson Mandela

Imprisoned for 27 years for fighting against apartheid in South Africa, Nelson Mandela emerged not with vengeance but with a vision of peace and unity. His leadership led to the dismantling of institutionalized racial segregation and earned him a Nobel Peace Prize.

Mahatma Gandhi

Known for his role in India's independence from British rule, Mahatma Gandhi was a pioneer of nonviolent civil disobedience. His ability to unite people across religious and ethnic lines for a common cause made him a transformational leader.

Harriet Tubman

Harriet Tubman was an American abolitionist who led hundreds of enslaved people to freedom via the Underground Railroad. Despite the tremendous personal risk, her conviction and bravery changed the course of history.

Cesar Chavez

Cesar Chavez was a champion for farmworkers. Back then, farmworkers in the United States had terrible working conditions and barely any rights. Chavez decided to change that. He organized strikes and boycotts, and guess what? It worked. New laws were made to protect the workers, all thanks to Chavez's leadership and courage to stand up for the less fortunate.

Gloria Steinem

Gloria Steinem is one of the most famous feminists, and she's been fighting for women's rights for decades. She co-founded "Ms." magazine, which was all about women's issues at a time when most magazines were focused on home and beauty for women. Steinem fought for things like equal pay and the right for women to make choices about their bodies. She's a living example of how one person's voice can start a movement.

Science and Tech Examples

Marie Curie

Marie Curie

Marie Curie was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize, and she didn't stop at one; she won two! She made groundbreaking discoveries in the field of radioactivity. This was at a time when women in science were super rare. Her work wasn't just smart; it was revolutionary, and it opened doors for women in science.

Elon Musk

Elon Musk is like the real-life Iron Man. He's got his hands on electric cars, space travel, and underground tunnels. His companies, like Tesla and SpaceX, are all about making the future look cool. He's not just a boss running a company; he's a visionary leading us into what could be the future.

Steve Jobs

Imagine a world without smartphones, without easy-to-use computers, or without animated movies like "Finding Nemo." Hard to picture, right? Steve Jobs, the co-founder of Apple, made all these things possible. When most people were happy with regular cell phones, he dreamed of something better—a phone that could play music, browse the internet, and take photos. That's how the iPhone was born. Jobs was a leader who didn't just follow the trends; he set them. His ideas and products have changed our lives, work, and play.

Alan Turing

Have you ever considered the origins of modern computers? Alan Turing, a British mathematician and computer scientist, is a giant upon whose shoulders we stand. Not only did he play a crucial role in decrypting German codes during World War II, accelerating the Allied victory, but he also pioneered the concepts that form the basis of modern computing. He proposed the Turing Test, a criterion of artificial intelligence that challenges machines to mimic human thought—a concept that continues to influence the evolving landscape of AI. Turing’s genius altered history and the trajectory of technology, though his true acclaim came posthumously.

Rosalind Franklin

You've probably heard of DNA, which makes you who you are. Rosalind Franklin was a chemist who helped discover the structure of DNA. She used X-ray crystallography to take super-detailed pictures of DNA strands. Even though she didn't get a Nobel Prize like some of her colleagues, her work was crucial for understanding how life works at the molecular level.

Katherine Johnson

Katherine Johnson was a math wizard who worked for NASA during the early years of the U.S. space program. She was among the first African-American women to work as a NASA scientist. Johnson calculated the trajectories for many space missions, including the Apollo 11 mission to the Moon. Her story shows that intelligence and leadership don't depend on gender or skin color.

Tim Berners-Lee

Imagine a day without using the internet. Hard, right? You can thank Tim Berners-Lee for that. He's the guy who invented the World Wide Web. And guess what? He made it open and free for everyone to use. Berners-Lee didn't just create a technology; he created a whole new way for people to share information, connect, and even change the world.

Arts and Culture Examples

William Shakespeare

You've probably heard the phrase, "To be or not to be." Well, that came from William Shakespeare, an English playwright who lived over 400 years ago. His plays are still performed today because they dive deep into what it means to be human. Shakespeare had this amazing ability to capture the highs and lows of life in his work, inspiring countless other writers and thinkers.

Frida Kahlo

Frida Kahlo was a Mexican artist who wasn't afraid to show raw emotion and pain in her paintings. She used her art to discuss topics people often kept quiet, like suffering and love. Despite facing many personal challenges, including health problems, Frida's artwork and vision have made her an icon in art and feminist circles.

George Orwell

You might know George Orwell for his books like "1984" and "Animal Farm." These books aren't just stories; they warn about what can happen when power is abused. Orwell's writing has sparked many conversations about freedom and government control.

Christiane Amanpour

Christiane Amanpour is one of the world's leading news reporters. She has reported from war zones and interviewed many powerful people. Amanpour is known for asking tough questions and bringing important issues to light. She's a role model for journalists everywhere.

Sports Examples

Michael Jordan

When you think of basketball, you probably think of Michael Jordan. His talent was incredible, but what made him a transformational leader was his ability to make his entire team better. Jordan wasn't just about scoring points; he was about winning as a team. His work ethic and competitive spirit have inspired countless athletes.

Serena Williams

Serena Williams has smashed records in the world of tennis, but she's also been a strong voice off the court. She speaks out on issues like racial equality and women's rights. Serena is a role model for young athletes, showing that you can be both a great player and a great person.

Education Examples

Maria Montessori

Maria Montessori was an Italian doctor who became an educator because she believed kids could learn better. She thought classrooms should feel like home and that kids should have the freedom to choose what they learn. Schools worldwide now use the Montessori method, showing how impactful her ideas have been.

Jaime Escalante

Jaime Escalante was a math teacher in East Los Angeles who proved that students in struggling schools could excel in subjects like calculus. His story was so inspiring that they even made a movie called "Stand and Deliver." Escalante showed that with high expectations and dedication, all students can succeed.

John Dewey

John Dewey was an American philosopher and educator who changed our thinking about teaching and learning. Dewey believed schools shouldn't just dump facts into kids' heads but should help them think critically and solve problems. He introduced the idea of "learning by doing," which means students learn best when they're active, not just sitting and listening. His ideas still influence how we teach today.

Sal Khan

Sal Khan started by tutoring his cousin in math over the internet. Now, his website, Khan Academy, teaches millions of students worldwide in all subjects for free! Khan flipped the script on traditional education by using technology to make learning accessible to anyone, anywhere. His work shows the power of innovation in education.

Ken Robinson

Sir Ken Robinson was an education expert who believed schools needed to focus more on creativity. He gave one of the most-watched TED Talks ever, arguing that traditional education kills creativity. Robinson pushed for a broader view of intelligence that includes artistic and emotional smarts, not just book smarts.

Environment Examples

forest landscape

Rachel Carson

Rachel Carson was a scientist and writer whose book, "Silent Spring," got people talking about taking care of the Earth. Before her book, not many people paid attention to how chemicals like pesticides could harm nature. Carson sparked a movement that led to the creation of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Greta Thunberg

Greta Thunberg is a young climate activist from Sweden who gained worldwide attention for her straightforward and blunt speeches about climate change. Starting with a one-person "School Strike for Climate," Greta's actions have inspired millions of young people to protest for a better future. Even world leaders listen when she talks.

Jane Goodall

Jane Goodall is like the queen of the jungle, but for real. She spent years living with chimpanzees in Africa to study their behavior. But she didn't stop there. Goodall used her knowledge to teach people the importance of protecting these animals and their homes. Thanks to her work, we know much more about how similar chimps are to humans and why we must protect our environment.

David Attenborough

If you've ever watched a nature documentary, chances are you've heard David Attenborough's voice. This British broadcaster has been teaching people about the wonders of the natural world for decades. But it's not just about cool videos of animals. Attenborough uses his platform to discuss serious issues like climate change, habitat loss, and extinction. His storytelling makes people care about the Earth.

Wangari Maathai

Wangari Maathai was a powerhouse from Kenya with a simple yet revolutionary idea: plant trees to improve the environment and people's lives. She founded the Green Belt Movement, which didn't just plant trees but also trained women in farming and other skills. Maathai's work improved the environment and lifted people from poverty, making her a legend in sustainable development.

Vandana Shiva

Vandana Shiva is an Indian scholar and environmental activist passionate about protecting nature and people's rights. She fights against big corporations that try to control natural resources like water and seeds. Shiva's work has empowered local communities to protect their land and livelihoods, and she's a big voice in the global conversations about sustainability.

Healthcare Examples

Florence Nightingale

Known as the founder of modern nursing, the statistician Florence Nightingale changed healthcare forever. During the Crimean War, she improved hospital sanitation, drastically reducing deaths. She used data and statistics to prove her point, making her an early advocate of using data in healthcare.

Paul Farmer

Dr. Paul Farmer is known for treating infectious diseases in poor countries. He co-founded Partners In Health, which helps bring quality healthcare to people who wouldn't get it otherwise. His work shows that everyone, no matter where they're from, deserves good healthcare.

Jonas Salk

Imagine a world where kids couldn't play outside because of a scary disease called polio. Jonas Salk changed all that. He's the scientist who developed the first safe and effective polio vaccine. The best part? He didn't try to make money from it. He made it available for everyone, saying the vaccine belonged to the people. Thanks to him, polio is almost wiped out in many parts of the world.

Virginia Apgar

If you're born in a hospital, one of the first tests you'll get is the Apgar Score, named after Dr. Virginia Apgar. She created this quick test to check a newborn's health right after birth. Because of her, doctors can act fast to help babies who need extra care. Apgar's test has saved countless lives and is still used worldwide today.

Gro Harlem Brundtland

Gro Harlem Brundtland is a former Prime Minister of Norway, but she's also a doctor who's done much for public health. She led the World Health Organization and focused on issues like child health and disease control. Brundtland also helped connect the dots between human health and the environment, making people realize that a healthy planet means healthy people.

Psychological Theories of Leadership


These theories serve as both a history lesson and a roadmap. They help us understand how our views on leadership have evolved and give us the language and frameworks to discuss and improve our leadership skills.

Trait Theory

The concept of Trait Theory has roots stretching back to ancient times, but its modern form took shape largely through the efforts of psychologists like Gordon Allport in the 1930s and '40s. Allport cataloged what he believed were inherent personality traits— a list of characteristics like "sociable," "reserved," "outgoing," and so on. Regarding leadership, the spotlight often shines on confidence, intelligence, and charisma.

For a long time, the general belief was that leaders were born, not made. This theory was further expanded in the 1940s and '50s when scientists started using assessments and psychological tests to identify leadership traits. However, research from the late 20th century shows that while natural traits can give you a head start, they're not the end-all-be-all. With the right training and experience, people can develop these traits and become effective leaders. So, don't count yourself out if you're not born with what people traditionally consider "leadership traits."

Lewin's Change Theory and Leadership

Kurt Lewin, a German-American psychologist, developed his Change Theory in the mid-20th century, around the late 1940s. Lewin was deeply interested in the human aspects of change and how leadership could facilitate or hinder it. His theory is often summarized with three main stages: Unfreezing, Changing, and Refreezing. Let's dive into these stages and see how they relate to leadership.

The first stage, Unfreezing, involves preparing an organization, or a team, to accept that change is necessary. This is where leadership plays a critical role. Leaders must first understand what needs to be changed and why. They then have the task of communicating this to their team in a way that opens minds to the idea of doing things differently. It's about shaking up the status quo, or the usual way of doing things, to make people receptive to new ideas. A good leader in this phase is an excellent communicator who can navigate resistance and fears that often accompany change.

The Changing stage is where the actual transition happens. Here, leaders must be incredibly skillful in various areas, from problem-solving and decision-making to emotional intelligence. Not only do they need to guide the practical aspects of the change, but they also have to manage the emotional and psychological dimensions. This is where the leader serves as a coach, supporting team members as they try out new roles, learn new skills, and adapt to new situations. It's a delicate balance, as leaders need to push for change without pushing so hard that they lose the support of their team.

Once the change is implemented, the Refreezing stage aims to stabilize the organization in its new state. Leaders during this phase work on reinforcing the changes, making sure they stick and become part of the new normal. This often involves additional training, setting up new policies, or even celebrating the successful implementation of the change to boost morale. In this stage, the leader is an anchor, providing stability and direction as the team adjusts to the new environment.

Lewin's Change Theory has had a significant impact on how organizations approach change management and leadership. It's not just a roadmap for change; it also outlines the roles a leader must play at each stage of the process. This multi-faceted approach to leadership underscores the complexity and adaptability required to guide a team through periods of change effectively.

Behavioral Theory

Fast-forward to the 1950s and 1960s, when psychologists at Ohio State University and the University of Michigan, including the renowned Rensis Likert, began to redefine leadership through the Behavioral Theory. Likert, known for developing the Likert scale—a methodological tool that gauges attitudes by asking respondents to rate statements on a multi-point scale—is also credited for identifying various behaviors influencing team dynamics, such as decision-making processes, goal setting, and fostering team spirit.

Their research suggested that adaptable leaders who tailored their behavior to their team's needs often achieved superior outcomes. For instance, some scenarios may necessitate a leader's direct involvement to mentor and guide. In contrast, others might call for a more hands-off approach, empowering team members to take the initiative. This shift towards Behavioral Theory underscored the notion that effective leadership is not solely innate but can be developed, honed, and taught.

Situational Leadership

Situational Leadership was introduced in the late 1960s and gained popularity in the early '70s. Developed by Paul Hersey and Ken Blanchard, this theory considers the maturity and competence of the leader's followers. These psychologists suggested that effective leadership is not one-size-fits-all but should be adapted based on the situation.

For example, a less experienced team might need a leader who provides clear instructions and monitors progress closely. A more skilled team might thrive under a leader who delegates tasks and encourages independent decision-making. Hersey and Blanchard's theory was revolutionary because it emphasized the dynamic nature of leadership, highlighting the need for leaders to be flexible and adaptable.

Transformational Leadership

In the 1980s, James MacGregor Burns brought the concept of Transformational Leadership into the spotlight. Burns argued that the most impactful leaders go beyond mere transactional exchanges with their followers. Instead, they inspire, energize, and intellectually stimulate their teams.

Leaders who fit this mold—Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King Jr., or Steve Jobs—don't just set targets and KPIs (Key Performance Indicators). They create a compelling future vision and make their team want to achieve more than they ever thought possible. In essence, they transform not just organizations but also the individuals within them. Transformational leadership is often seen as the highest level of leadership, where the focus is not just on what can be achieved but also on how everyone can develop and grow along the journey.

Personality Types in Leadership

Personality often serves as the building blocks of leadership. How you think, feel, and act naturally affects how you lead. Different models have been developed to understand personality types, but let's focus on two well-known frameworks: the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and the Big Five Personality Traits.

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

Developed by Katharine Cook Briggs and her daughter Isabel Briggs Myers in the early to mid-20th century, MBTI classifies people into one of 16 personality types based on four dichotomies: Extraversion/Introversion, Sensing/Intuition, Thinking/Feeling, and Judging/Perceiving. Leaders can fall into any of these 16 categories, each with strengths and challenges.

For example, an ENTJ (Extraversion, Intuition, Thinking, Judging) is often seen as a natural leader. They are decisive, strategic, and love challenges. On the flip side, an ISFJ (Introversion, Sensing, Feeling, Judging) leader might excel in creating a harmonious and organized work environment but might struggle with quick decision-making under pressure. Knowing your MBTI type can offer insights into your leadership style and help you identify areas for growth.

Big Five Personality Traits

This is a more modern approach and is widely used in psychology today. It describes personalities based on five broad factors: Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism, often remembered by the acronym OCEAN.

Leaders who score high in Openness are often good at thinking outside the box and are open to new experiences. They can be great at leading teams through change or innovation. Conscientious leaders are reliable and organized, excellent for administrative roles where detail and planning are key.

Extraverted leaders are often great motivators and excel in roles that require a lot of social interaction. Agreeable leaders tend to be good mediators and team players, excellent at fostering a collaborative environment.

Finally, leaders who score low on Neuroticism usually handle stress well and are emotionally stable, which can be crucial in high-pressure leadership roles.

Understanding your personality type is like having a roadmap for your leadership journey. It can help you identify what you're naturally good at, where you might need extra work, and even what types of leadership roles or environments could be the best fit for you. So, whether you're an ENTJ who loves to take charge or an ISFP who leads with empathy and understanding, there's a leadership style that fits you.

Quiz: Do You Have What It Takes to Be a Leader?

Feel free to take this quiz and reflect on your answers. It's just a starting point, but it might give you insights into your leadership style and potential. And if you decide you might not be fit for a leader, there are many other things you might be talented at!

Instructions: Read each question carefully and choose the answer most closely matches your thoughts or behaviors. There are no right or wrong answers—just be honest with yourself!


1) When in a group project, do you prefer to:

A) Take charge and set goals
B) Assist whoever is in charge
C) Wait to be told what to do
D) Work independently, and let others do their thing

2) How do you handle stress?

A) Well, I stay focused and make decisions
B) Okay, but I prefer someone else to take the lead
C) Not great, I tend to avoid stress
D) I'm indifferent, stress doesn't affect me much

3) Do you like trying new things?

A) Yes, I love new challenges and experiences
B) Sometimes, it depends on the situation
C) No, I like sticking to what I know
D) Only if I have to, I don't like change

4) How do you handle conflict in a group?

A) I try to resolve it and find a compromise
B) I support the peacemaker but don't lead the revolution
C) I avoid getting involved
D) Conflict doesn't bother me; it's part of life

5) Do you enjoy motivating others?

A) Yes, I find it rewarding
B) I can, but it's not my favorite thing
C) No, I'd rather focus on my tasks
D) Motivating others is not my responsibility

6) Do you like making plans and setting goals?

A) Absolutely, it's essential for success
B) It's useful, but not something I love
C) I'm not a planner; I go with the flow
D) Plans and goals are limiting

7) How do you feel about responsibility?

A) I welcome it; it's an opportunity to grow
B) It's fine as long as it's shared
C) I'd rather not have too much of it
D) Responsibility is overrated

8) How well do you communicate with others?

A) Very well, it's one of my strengths
B) Decently, but I'm better at listening
C) Not great, I'm more of an introvert
D) I communicate only when necessary

9) Do you think leaders are born or made?

A) Made, anyone can learn to lead
B) Both some traits help, but skills can be developed
C) Born, it's a natural gift
D) Neither leadership is about skills or traits

10) What motivates you the most?

A) Achieving goals and making a difference
B) Helping others succeed
C) Personal gain and benefits
D) Freedom and independence


  • Mostly A's: You have strong leadership potential! You're confident, like challenges, and enjoy helping others.
  • Mostly B's: You're a team player who can lead when needed but is comfortable supporting others.
  • Mostly C's: Leadership might not be your natural inclination, but that doesn't mean you can't contribute to a team.
  • Mostly D's: You value independence and autonomy. You might be more suited for roles that allow you much freedom.


Leadership is an amazing blend of skills, personality, and the ability to inspire others. We've explored various facets of leadership, from transformational leaders who leave lasting impacts on their teams to the psychological theories that help us understand what makes a leader effective. We also delved into how your personality type can shape your leadership style.

Being a leader isn't just about holding a title; it's about how you influence and guide others. Whether you're a business guru like Steve Jobs, a social justice champion like Martin Luther King Jr., an environmental pioneer like Greta Thunberg, or a trailblazer in education like Malala Yousafzai, leaders come in all shapes and sizes.

If you're wondering whether you have what it takes to be a leader, remember that leadership can be cultivated. Sure, some people might be naturally inclined to lead, but many essential leadership skills can be learned and developed over time. Don't underestimate the value of self-awareness: Knowing your strengths and areas for growth is a critical first step in becoming the leader you aspire to be.

We hope this article has given you some insights and tools better to understand the complex and rewarding world of leadership. So, what's stopping you? Go out there, lead with your unique style, and make a difference!

Reference this article:

Practical Psychology. (2023, September). 45+ Transformational Leaders (Examples + Quiz). Retrieved from https://practicalpie.com/transformational-leaders/.

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