Appeal to Probability (29 Examples + Definition)

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Practical Psychology

Understanding logical fallacies can be a game-changer when it comes to evaluating the strength of arguments and making better decisions.

An Appeal to Probability Fallacy is a misleading reasoning technique that assumes if something is likely, it must be certain to happen.

This flawed thinking can sneak into everyday conversations, public debates, and even scholarly discussions. By the end of this exploration, you'll be well-equipped to identify and dissect instances of this fallacy, enhancing your skills as a critical thinker.

What is an Appeal to Probability Fallacy?

poker table

Imagine you're walking down a street and you see a sign that says, "90% of accidents happen within 5 miles of your home." So, you start to think, "I must be safe if I drive far away from home."

This is where the Appeal to Probability Fallacy comes into play. You've just assumed that because most accidents happen close to home, you're automatically safer when you're far away. But probabilities don't work like guarantees.

In formal logic, fallacies are logical errors, usually in arguments, that people make which lead to inconsistent reasoning.

In formal terms, an Appeal to Probability Logical Fallacy is when you take something that has a high chance of occurring and treat it as if it's a sure thing. It's like confusing "likely" with "definite." Formal fallacies like this are fallacious because of the fact that the argument structure is false (probability) rather than the content of the argument (accidents, or whatever).

In arguments and debates, people often use this fallacy to make their points seem stronger. For example, someone might say, "Most startups fail, so yours will probably fail too." That statement might be based on a statistical likelihood, but it certainly doesn't seal the fate of every startup.

Being aware of this type of logical trickery is key to becoming a more discerning thinker. You'll find that spotting this fallacy in conversations or arguments gives you a kind of mental edge. You won't be so easily swayed by statistics or probabilities presented as if they are certainties.

Similar Logical Fallacies

  • Gambler's Fallacy: Assuming that past events affect the likelihood of a future event
  • Appeal to Authority: Using an expert's opinion as proof for an argument
  • False Dichotomy: Presenting only two options when there could be more
  • Slippery Slope: Arguing that one event will inevitably lead to a series of other events
  • Post Hoc Fallacy: Assuming that because one event follows another, the first caused the second
  • Appeal to Possibility: Assuming that because something is possible, it is likely.

This fallacy doesn't go by many other names, but in some circles, it's referred to as the "Fallacy of Likelihood" or simply as "Misinterpreting Probabilities." The name "Appeal to Probability Fallacy" itself is quite descriptive, outlining its basic error: appealing to a likelihood as if it's a certainty.

The origins of identifying this fallacy are a bit murky, but it's often discussed in the broader context of probability theory and statistics. These are fields of math that came into their own in the 16th and 17th centuries, thanks to thinkers like Pierre-Simon Laplace and Thomas Bayes.

However, this fallacy is likely as old as human reasoning itself, cropping up whenever people have misunderstood or misrepresented the role of chance and likelihood in predicting outcomes.

29 Examples

1) Weather Forecasts

rainy day

"You don't need to carry an umbrella; there's only a 10% chance of rain."

Here, a low probability of rain is taken as a guarantee that it won't rain, which is misleading. A 10% chance still means that rain is possible.

2) Lottery Tickets

"Most people lose the lottery, so you shouldn't even bother buying a ticket."

While it's true that the odds are against winning, saying you shouldn't try at all turns probability into certainty. Buying tickets might not guarantee making millions, but not buying tickets will guarantee losing.

3) Job Interviews

"90% of applicants don't get the job, so you probably won't either."

Just because the majority don't get selected doesn't mean you definitely won't. It disregards any unique qualifications you may have and leaves out any explanation as to why they didn't get the job.

4) College Admissions

"Harvard rejects so many applicants; you're not getting in."

Again, a high rate of rejection isn't the same as a guarantee that you'll be rejected.

5) Health Supplements

"Most people who take this supplement lose weight, so you will too."

This presumes the supplement will definitely work for you, which may not be the case. There is fallacious appeal in appealing to hope with probabilities.

6) Crime Rates

"The crime rate is low in this area, so you don't need to lock your doors."

Low crime doesn't mean no crime. The risk still exists. This premise is fallacious reasoning.

7) Air Travel


"Air travel is the safest way to travel, so there's no way the plane will crash."

While statistically true, it's not a guarantee of absolute safety. It's impossible to prove that your particular flight will not crash.

8) Investing in Stocks

"The stock market tends to go up over time, so you're guaranteed to make money."

Long-term trends are not certainties for individual investors. There are always exceptions to the rules, and the consequence to committing based on probability could be a mistake.

9) Relationships

"Most long-distance relationships fail, so yours will too."

Probability doesn't necessarily consider the unique aspects of your relationship that might make it work.

10) Childhood Development

video gamer

"The majority of kids who play violent video games become aggressive, so your child will become aggressive too."

Correlation does not mean causation, and it certainly doesn't apply to everyone. It's also not true that the majority are violent. On the contrary, there is reason for concern regarding the influence, but we cannot assume that just because a few become violent, the real number is that high.

11) Vaccinations

"Vaccines have a high success rate, so you won't get sick."

No vaccine is 100% effective for everyone. While this could be a point of semantics, it's essentially not the truth.

12) Exam Results

"Most students fail this test, so you probably will too."

This ignores your individual study habits and understanding and knowledge of the material.

13) Political Elections

"My candidate has a 70% chance of winning according to polls, so they've got this election in the bag."

Polls are not perfect and things can change. While they might win, it could have happened for a different reason.

14) Startup Success

"Most startups fail in the first year, so you're bound to fail."

Probability doesn't take into account the factors that might make your startup succeed.

15) Diet Pills

"Most diet pills don't work, so these won't either."

Science has shown that there are many explanations for weight loss, so the possibility that a new type of pill won't work might be wrong.

16) Retirement Savings

"The average retirement age is 65, so you should be fine retiring then too."

This doesn't consider your personal financial situation or health. There could possibly be a difference, you could be an exception.

17) Product Reviews

"Most of the reviews for this product are positive, so it has to be good."

Reviews are subjective and what works for one person might not for another.

18) Success Stories

"He dropped out of college and became a millionaire, so dropping out is a good idea."

One person's success doesn't guarantee yours. Your could argue that your life took a different course.

19) Natural Disasters

"There hasn't been an earthquake here for years, so it's not going to happen."

Low frequency doesn't mean no risk. It would be a long shot if that were correct.

20) Sales Projections

"Our sales have been increasing, so we'll definitely hit our target."

Past performance doesn't guarantee future results.

21) Social Media Fame

"She gained 10,000 followers in a month, so you can too."

Your content and audience are different, so results will vary.

22) Athletic Performance

"He's been the top scorer all season, so he'll score in the next game for sure."

Past performance can't guarantee future outcomes in sports.

23) Medical Treatments

"Nine out of ten patients improve with this treatment, so you will too."

Every patient is different, and there are no guarantees in medicine. Scientific fact shows as much a chance of positive outcome as negative in any single individual for most treatments.

24) Real Estate

"The housing market is booming, so it's a great time to sell your house."

Local factors can vary, and a booming market doesn't guarantee a sale. Certain fallacies are harder to see, like this one.

25) Pet Behavior

"Dogs of this breed are usually friendly, so this one will be too."

Individual dogs have individual temperaments, regardless of breed.

26) Organic Foods

"Organic foods are healthier, so you'll feel better eating them."

The health benefits of organic foods are not universally accepted. This is logically fallacious.

27) Driving Skills

"You've been driving for years, so you won't get into an accident."

Experience doesn't eliminate the risk of accidents.

28) Employment

"Most people in this industry lose their job within a year, so you will too."

Individual job performance and company health can vary widely.

29) Parenting

"Your siblings turned out fine, so you don't need to worry about your parenting."

Every child is different, and what worked for one may not for another.

The Psychological Mechanisms Behind It

Humans have a tendency to look for shortcuts in thinking, known in psychology as heuristics. These mental shortcuts help us make quick decisions without having to analyze every detail.

The Appeal to Probability Fallacy often exploits this tendency. When you hear that something is likely or unlikely, it's easy to jump to a conclusion. This saves mental energy but can lead to flawed reasoning.

Another psychological aspect at play is confirmation bias, which means you're more likely to believe information that confirms your existing beliefs.

If you already think a particular outcome is likely, hearing a statistical probability that supports your view can easily lead you to treat that outcome as a certainty. These cognitive biases contribute to the appeal and the deceptive nature of this fallacy.

The Impact of Appeal to Probability

The Appeal to Probability Fallacy can have far-reaching consequences, especially when it influences important decisions.

In healthcare, for instance, mistaking a high probability for a guarantee might lead someone to forego necessary medical treatments or precautions. Similarly, in the financial world, investors might make risky bets based on the mistaken belief that a likely good outcome is a sure thing.

In everyday life, this fallacy can impair your judgment and decision-making skills. It can make you overly confident or unnecessarily fearful, depending on the context. For example, if you believe it's highly unlikely for a crime to occur in your neighborhood, you might neglect basic safety measures like locking your doors, thereby putting yourself at risk.

So, understanding and recognizing this fallacy isn't just a matter of intellectual curiosity; it has real-world applications that can affect your well-being.

How to Identify and Counter It

Spotting an Appeal to Probability Fallacy starts with a healthy dose of skepticism. Whenever you hear someone use terms like "most likely," "rarely," or "usually," pause and consider whether the argument is relying on these probabilities as certainties.

Ask yourself: Is this truly a guarantee, or is it a statistical likelihood being presented as such?

To counter this fallacy, you can ask for clarification or additional evidence. For example, if someone says, "You probably won't get that job because most people don't," you could ask, "What factors make me similar to those who usually don't get the job?"

This forces the other person to provide more solid evidence and keeps the conversation grounded in facts rather than probabilities masquerading as certainties. Becoming adept at identifying and countering this fallacy equips you to make better decisions and engage in more rational discussions.

Reference this article:

Practical Psychology. (2023, October). Appeal to Probability (29 Examples + Definition). Retrieved from

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