31+ Morals Examples (Definition + Brain Teasers)

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Today, we're diving into a topic that affects us all—morals. But what exactly are morals? Morals are the inner guidelines that help us figure out what's right and wrong. It's like having an inner superhero who whispers to us when we have to make tough decisions.

You might think, "Hey, why do I even need to know about morals?" Well, morals are like the glue that holds society together. They help us get along with each other and make the world a better place. Plus, understanding morals can make you a better person all around. It's a win-win!

In this article, we'll take a journey through time to learn about some historical figures who stood up for what they believed in. Then we'll zoom back to our everyday lives and explore how morals play a role in simple things, like telling the truth or being kind.

Want to get your brain really buzzing? We've got some mind-bending brain games that'll make you think twice about right and wrong. And for a little extra fun, we'll sprinkle in some cool facts and even a quiz!

Table Of Contents show

What are Morals?

Morals are like your own personal rulebook for what's right and wrong. These rules usually come from what your family taught you, what your religion says, or from your own feelings.

Your morals often start forming when you're a kid, influenced by people around you like parents, teachers, and friends. But they also come from your own experiences. For example, if you've ever been bullied, your morals might make you extra sensitive to treating everyone kindly.

For example, maybe you think sharing is good because when you were young, your family encouraged you to share your toys. So, as an adult, you might share your lunch with a coworker who forgot theirs.

Morals can be big, like believing in equality for everyone, or they can be smaller, day-to-day things like not lying or cheating. Both are important. The big morals often guide your big life choices, like what kind of job you want or how you treat people. The smaller morals help you in everyday situations, like deciding whether to keep the extra change when a cashier makes a mistake.

Ever get a feeling in your stomach when something doesn't feel right? That's often your morals talking. They can give you a sense of guilt when you do something wrong and a sense of pride when you do something right. Listening to these feelings can be a good way to understand what your morals are.

What's really interesting is that morals can be different for each person. Maybe your best friend thinks it's okay to gossip, but you feel it's wrong to talk behind someone's back. Neither of you is necessarily right or wrong; you just have different personal rulebooks.

As you go through life, meet new people, and have new experiences, your morals might change a bit. And that's okay! It means you're learning and growing. What mattered most to you at 10 years old might not be the same as what matters to you now. And what matters to you now might change in another 10 years.

gift exchange

How are Morals Different From Ethics?

Ethics, on the other hand, are like the rules or guidelines that a group of people agree upon. These could be formal, like the code of conduct at your school or workplace, or informal, like the unwritten rules between friends. These rules can be official ones that are written down, like laws, or they can be unspoken understandings among people.

Let's say you're part of a soccer team. The ethical code might include being a good sport, not cheating, and showing respect for your teammates and opponents.

In professional settings, ethics can be more complex. For instance, a doctor has a set of ethical guidelines to follow, like maintaining patient confidentiality and providing the best possible care.

For instance, in psychology, there is a list of ethical guidelines that psychologists have to follow when they are treating patients or performing studies.

In any country, laws are a set of ethical rules that everyone is supposed to follow. These laws help people know what's allowed and what's not. For example, stealing is against the law because society agrees it's wrong to take something that doesn't belong to you.

In any group—whether it's your country, your workplace, or your school—there's a balance between what you're allowed to do (your rights) and what you should do (your responsibilities). Your rights might include freedom of speech, but your responsibilities include not hurting others with your words. When everyone respects this balance, the ethics of the group work better.

When Morals and Ethics Match Up

You might have noticed that morals and ethics can sometimes overlap, but they aren't the same thing. Sometimes, your personal morals will align perfectly with a group's ethical guidelines.

For example, if you're part of an environmental organization, your personal morals about caring for the planet likely align with the group's ethical stance on sustainability. In such situations, acting ethically also satisfies your moral compass, making decision-making simpler.

When Morals and Ethics Don't Agree

But what if what you believe doesn't match the group's rules? Imagine you work at a pet store, and your boss tells you to sell a product that you know isn't safe for pets. The store's rules say "listen to your boss," but your personal rule says "always keep animals safe." That's tough, right? You're caught between your own rules and the store's rules.

Making Choices Isn't Always Easy

Knowing the difference between morals and ethics can make choices tricky. It asks you to think about not just what you feel is right but also what the rules say you should do.

What if what you believe doesn't match the group's rules? Imagine you work at a pet store, and your boss tells you to sell a product that you know isn't safe for pets. The store's rules say "listen to your boss," but your personal rule says "always keep animals safe." That's tough, right? You're caught between your own rules and the store's rules.

It's a Learning Journey

Figuring out how morals and ethics fit together is something we keep learning throughout life. And even though it can be hard to make the right choice sometimes, the more we think about these things, the better we get at making decisions.

Knowing where our personal beliefs come from and how they fit into the larger ethical landscape allows us to act consistently and understand the impact of our choices.

Examples of Morals in Action

1. Equality - Rosa Parks

Picture this: It's December 1, 1955, in Montgomery, Alabama. Rosa Parks, an African American woman, is sitting on a bus after a long day of work. The law says she has to give up her seat to a white person if the bus gets full. Rosa thinks this law is wrong, and on this day, she decides not to move.

Her simple yet courageous act sparks the Montgomery Bus Boycott and becomes a cornerstone of the Civil Rights Movement. Rosa Parks teaches us the value of standing up for what's right, even when it's difficult.

2. Nonviolence - Mahatma Gandhi

Let's travel to India, where Mahatma Gandhi led a revolution against British rule—but not with guns or violence. Instead, he promoted "ahimsa," which means nonviolence. In 1930, Gandhi led the Salt March, a 240-mile walk to the Arabian Sea, to protest unfair salt taxes. He did this peacefully, showing the world that fighting for justice can be done without hurting others.

Gandhi's life teaches us the power of nonviolence and the courage it takes to live by your morals. But he wasn't always perfect, either. While he promoted nonviolence, he didn't exactly believe that everyone should have equal access to justice. That is an example of conflicting morals.

3. Compassion - Mother Teresa

Mother Teresa was a nun who dedicated her life to helping the sick and poor in Kolkata, India. She founded the Missionaries of Charity in 1950, and for nearly 50 years, she and her organization took care of people nobody else wanted to help.

In 1979, Mother Teresa was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for her endless compassion. She shows us that small acts of kindness can make a big difference in the world.

4. Women's Rights - Susan B. Anthony

Next, let's zoom back to the United States in the 19th century, where Susan B. Anthony was making waves. She was a key player in the fight for women's rights, especially the right to vote. In 1872, she did something daring—she voted in the presidential election even though it was illegal for women to do so at that time. Susan was arrested, but she stood her ground. She believed that women should have the same rights as men, and she worked tirelessly to make that happen.

Her efforts were a big part of the reason the 19th Amendment was passed in 1920, granting women the right to vote. Susan B. Anthony's story teaches us the importance of equality and fighting for what you believe in, no matter the obstacles.

5. Reconciliation - Nelson Mandela

Now, let's take a journey to South Africa. Nelson Mandela spent 27 years in prison for fighting against apartheid, a system where people were separated and treated differently based on their race. After he was released in 1990, you might think he'd be angry or want revenge.

But instead, Mandela chose the path of reconciliation. He worked to bring people together and heal the wounds of his nation. In 1994, he was elected as South Africa's first Black president, showing the world the power of forgiveness and unity. His moral compass guided him to turn suffering into a chance for positive change.

These historical figures had different backgrounds, lived in different times, and faced different challenges. Yet, they all had one thing in common: strong morals that guided their actions. What can we learn from them? That morals like courage, nonviolence, and compassion can truly change the world.

6. Honesty - The Boy Who Cried Wolf

You might have heard the story of "The Boy Who Cried Wolf," but let's revisit it because it teaches us a valuable lesson about honesty. In this fable, a young shepherd boy is bored while watching over his sheep. To have some fun, he yells, "Wolf! Wolf!" even though there's no wolf. The villagers rush to help him, only to find out he's lying. He does this a couple of times, and eventually, when a real wolf shows up, no one believes him.

The moral? Lying can cost you your credibility and even lead to harm. Honesty isn't just a good policy; it's a way to build trust with others.

shepherd and wolves

7. Kindness - The Lunchtime Hero

Imagine you're at school, and you see someone sitting alone during lunchtime, looking sad. You have two choices: you could join your usual group of friends, or you could go sit with the lonely person and maybe make their day a little brighter.

Jack, a 7th grader from Texas, chose the latter. He noticed a new kid sitting alone and decided to invite him to his table. Turns out, the new kid was feeling really out of place and was grateful for the friendly gesture. The moral here? A little kindness can go a long way.

8. Responsibility - Taking Care of a Pet

When Emily got her first puppy, named Sparky, she was super excited. But she quickly learned that having a pet isn't all fun and games. Sparky needed to be fed, walked, and taken to the vet for check-ups. At first, Emily found it hard to manage her time between school, friends, and Sparky. But she soon realized that Sparky depended on her.

Emily became more responsible, setting up feeding schedules and making sure she was home to take Sparky for walks. In the process, she learned that responsibility means taking care of those who depend on you, whether they're human or furry friends.

9. Fairness - The Classroom Debate

In Mrs. Johnson's 8th-grade class, the students were having a debate about whether homework should be abolished. Sarah, a straight-A student, was all for keeping homework. But instead of dominating the conversation, she made sure everyone got a chance to speak, including Tim, who struggled in school and had a different opinion.

Sarah realized that for a debate to be meaningful, everyone's voice should be heard. This teaches us the moral of fairness—giving everyone an equal chance to express themselves, even if you don't agree with them.

10. Respect - Tim and His Grandmother

Tim loved playing video games, often for hours on end. However, every Sunday, he would pause his game and spend some time with his grandmother, listening to stories about her life and helping her with chores around the house.

Tim realized that his grandmother had a wealth of experience and wisdom to share, and he respected her for that. His actions show the moral of respect—valuing other people, regardless of their age or background, and treating them with dignity.

11. Generosity - Emma’s Lemonade Stand

Emma was a clever 10-year-old who loved to make lemonade. On a scorching summer day, she set up a lemonade stand at her front yard and, to her surprise, earned $50! Instead of spending it on toys or candy, Emma bought more lemons to make even more lemonade. She also gave $10 to her little brother, Toby, who wanted a new comic book.

Emma's decision to share teaches us that the joy of generosity can create a ripple effect in our lives and the lives of others.

12. Courage - Malala Yousafzai

When Malala Yousafzai was only 15, she took a stand against the Taliban's oppressive rule in her home country of Pakistan, advocating for girls' education. In 2012, she was shot in the head but survived against all odds.

After her recovery, she continued to speak out and even wrote a book. She's shown us that true courage is not just facing danger but also standing up for what you believe in, even when the stakes are high.

13. Humility - NBA Star Tim Duncan

Tim Duncan, an NBA superstar, led his team to multiple championships. Yet, what stood out was his humility. He'd often say that a good pass or a successful play was due to his teammates, not just him. Tim understood that basketball is a team sport, and his humility made him a respected leader both on and off the court.

14. Loyalty - The Story of Hachiko, the Dog

In the 1920s in Japan, Hachiko would wait at the Shibuya Station every day for his owner, Hidesaburo Ueno, to return from work. Even after Ueno passed away, Hachiko waited for him every day for nearly a decade until his own death.

People in the community started bringing him food and even erected a statue in his honor. Hachiko's loyalty became legendary, teaching us the depth of commitment and faithfulness.

15. Fairness - Jackie Robinson

When Jackie Robinson entered Major League Baseball in 1947, the game was segregated, meaning that black players and white players were not allowed to play on the same teams. Robinson "broke the racial barrier" when he became the first African American to play in Major League Baseball.

But it wasn't easy. He faced discrimination and abuse. Yet, he held his ground and excelled in his sport, earning the Rookie of the Year award. Jackie Robinson's life reminds us that promoting fairness is not just the right thing to do, but it also allows everyone the opportunity to showcase their talents.

16. Integrity - Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln, one of America's revered presidents, showed immense integrity throughout his life. One story goes that Lincoln walked six miles just to return a book he had borrowed.

Lincoln's commitment to honesty and justice was a guiding light during the tough times of the Civil War. Lincoln teaches us that integrity is sticking to your values, even when it's inconvenient or hard.

17. Perseverance - Thomas Edison

Thomas Edison was not a man easily discouraged. He failed numerous times while attempting to create a viable electric light bulb. Instead of giving up, he viewed each failure as a lesson.

After much trial and error, Edison finally succeeded, lighting up the world and transforming society forever. His story tells us that perseverance—sticking to a task despite setbacks—is often the key to achieving great things.

18. Open-mindedness - The Adventures of Alice in Wonderland

"The Adventures of Alice in Wonderland," often just called "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland," is a famous book written by Lewis Carroll, a pen name for Charles Lutwidge Dodgson. Published in 1865, the story begins with a young girl named Alice who falls down a rabbit hole and finds herself in a strange and magical world. This world is filled with odd characters like the Cheshire Cat, who can vanish at will, and the Queen of Hearts, who's always shouting, "Off with their heads!"

Alice's journey through Wonderland was anything but normal. She met talking animals and navigated shifting landscapes. Instead of panicking or rejecting these odd experiences, Alice adapted and learned. Her tale suggests that being open-minded enables us to make the best out of unexpected situations and broaden our understanding of the world.

19. Simplicity - The Story of Thoreau at Walden Pond

Henry David Thoreau, an American writer and philosopher, decided to live a simpler life close to nature. Thoreau built a small cabin by Walden Pond in Concord, Massachusetts, and lived there for two years, from 1845 to 1847. He later wrote about his experiences in a book called Walden.

In the book, Thoreau explores the idea of living a life uncluttered by society's demands. He grew his own food, read, and wrote, all while observing nature closely. Thoreau's time at Walden Pond allowed him to step away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and think deeply about what truly mattered to him.

His story teaches us that sometimes, stepping back from the complexity of modern living can bring us closer to understanding ourselves and the world around us. Thoreau's experience has inspired many people to consider what it means to live a "rich" life, suggesting that richness doesn't always come from having lots of stuff, but rather from a deep connection with the world around us and, importantly, living a simple life.

20. Prudence - The Parable of the Ant and the Grasshopper

"The Parable of the Ant and the Grasshopper" is one of Aesop's fables, stories that have been told for hundreds of years to teach moral lessons. In this story, there are two main characters: an ant and a grasshopper. The ant is hard-working and spends all summer gathering food for the winter. On the other hand, the grasshopper likes to play and sing, not worrying about the future at all.

When winter comes, the ant is well-prepared and has plenty of food, while the grasshopper is cold and hungry because he didn't prepare. The story teaches us the value of hard work, planning, and preparation. It suggests that it's wise to think ahead and make ready for times when things might be tough, instead of only living for the moment. The ant's preparation ensures that it can survive and thrive even when conditions get difficult, showing the importance of being prudent and forward-thinking.

ant and grasshopper

21. Empathy - The Day Rosa Helped Sarah

Rosa noticed her classmate Sarah struggling with math homework during lunchtime. Even though they weren't close friends, Rosa felt the need to help. She spent the next hour explaining tricky concepts to Sarah. Rosa's empathetic nature made her realize that kindness is something you can offer to anyone, not just your closest friends.

22. Gratitude - The Thanksgiving of the Smith Family

The Smith family didn't have much. Their home was small, and they couldn't afford lavish meals. However, on Thanksgiving, they still found reasons to be grateful. They shared a modest feast and talked about what they were thankful for—like their health, their love for each other, and the roof over their heads. Their story shows that gratitude isn't about having everything; it's about appreciating what you do have.

23. Respect for Nature - The Legend of Chief Seattle

Chief Seattle, a Native American leader from the Pacific Northwest, is famous for his purported speech about the importance of respecting nature. Though the exact words of the speech are debated, the core message remains impactful. Chief Seattle emphasized that humans are just a part of the larger web of life, and that every part of nature—be it the rivers, forests, or animals—has value and deserves respect.

In his view, people should not just take from the Earth without giving back or understanding the consequences. Chief Seattle's teachings remind us that respect for nature isn't just about protecting resources for future human generations, but also about valuing the Earth for its own sake. His message encourages us to be mindful of how our actions affect the natural world around us and to treat it with the respect it deserves.

Cultural Differences in Morals

Many cultures value different things. Remember how we said at the beginning that our morals are personal values that are influenced by our environment? Which part of the world we grew up in, and what culture we know best, helps define our morals. This is considered the cultural dimension of morality.

24. Individualism vs. Harmony

In Western cultures, such as the United States and much of Europe, individualism is highly valued. This often shows up in morals about personal freedom and self-expression. For example, the American ideal of "pursuit of happiness" is all about individual goals.

Contrast this with Eastern cultures like Japan or China, where group harmony is a core value. In Japan, for instance, people often avoid speaking directly about uncomfortable topics to maintain social harmony. This difference in morals influences everything from how business meetings are conducted to how people greet each other on the street.

25. Silence

In Finland, long periods of silence during conversations are not considered awkward but rather are seen as respectful and contemplative.

In contrast, in cultures like the United States, silence is often seen as uncomfortable, and people try to fill it with small talk. These differences highlight varying morals around the value of silence and personal space.

26. Gifting

In Japan, giving a gift of a wallet is considered thoughtful only if it contains money. An empty wallet is thought to bring bad luck, representing emptiness or lack.

In the United States, however, the act of gifting a wallet alone is generally acceptable and doesn't require money inside it.

27. Footwear

In many Eastern cultures, such as in India and Japan, it's a moral and cultural imperative to remove your shoes before entering someone's home. This is a sign of respect and purity.

In contrast, it's generally optional in Western cultures, with some people not minding shoes worn inside the house.

28. Numbers

In Chinese culture, the number 4 is avoided because it sounds like the word for "death." Buildings might skip the fourth floor, and gifts in sets of four are considered unlucky. This taboo doesn't exist in Western cultures, where the number 4 doesn't carry such grim moral or cultural implications.

But in Western cultures, especially in the United States and Europe, the number 13 is often considered unlucky and is sometimes avoided. Just like in China with the number 4, some buildings skip the 13th floor, labeling it 14 instead, and some people avoid events on the 13th day of the month, especially if it falls on a Friday.

29. Eye Contact

In Western cultures, especially in the United States and Europe, making eye contact is considered a sign of confidence and attentiveness.

In some Asian and Indigenous cultures, however, direct eye contact is often seen as confrontational or disrespectful, especially with elders or authority figures.

30. Celebrating Death

The Day of the Dead ("Día de los Muertos") in Mexico is a colorful celebration to honor deceased loved ones, a stark contrast to the more somber funeral practices in many other parts of the world. This reflects different moral perspectives on death and how to honor those who have passed away.

31. Punctuality

In countries like Germany and Switzerland, punctuality is not just polite; it's a moral obligation. Being late is often seen as disrespectful. On the other hand, in many Latin American and African cultures, time is more fluid, and being late isn't considered a moral failing.

Fun Facts about Morals

Animal Ethics

We often think of morals as a human thing, but some animals show surprising signs of moral-like behavior.

For instance, African elephants are known to mourn their dead, showing signs of grief and even holding "funerals."

Dolphins have been observed helping injured members of their pod, supporting them to the water's surface to breathe.

These acts suggest that some animals have a sense of community and responsibility, challenging the notion that morals are unique to humans.

Superheroes and Morals

Superheroes are more than just cool characters with superpowers; they often grapple with moral dilemmas that make us think.

Take Batman, for example. He has a strict moral code against killing, even when it comes to his worst enemies like the Joker. This raises questions about justice and whether some people are beyond redemption.

Another example is Black Panther, whose morals are deeply tied to his responsibilities as a king, balancing his own beliefs with the needs of his people.

Fairy Tales

Fairy tales are often a child's first introduction to the concept of morals. Take "The Tortoise and the Hare," an Aesop’s fable that teaches the moral of persistence and humility through the slow but steady tortoise who wins a race against the arrogant hare.

Another example is "Pinocchio," a story that warns against lying and deceit, demonstrated through Pinocchio's growing nose every time he lies. These tales may be simple, but their moral lessons are enduring and universal.

Ancient Philosophers

The ancient Greeks were pioneers in the study of ethics and morals. Socrates, for example, believed so strongly in the importance of moral integrity that he chose to die by poison rather than renounce his beliefs.

Socrates' student, Plato, described a theoretical "just society" in his work The Republic, imagining a world where everyone acted for the greater good. These ideas have had a long-lasting impact, inspiring countless debates and even shaping modern laws and governments.

Why Morals Change Over Time

Life is a Classroom

One big reason morals can change is because life itself is like a classroom. Every day you're learning something new, whether it's from a book, a conversation with a friend, or even something you see on TV. These lessons can make you see things differently and might make you update your personal rulebook.

Meeting New People

Ever met someone who had a huge impact on how you see the world? Maybe a teacher who made you care about the environment or a friend who taught you about a culture you didn't know much about. Meeting new people can open your eyes to different ways of thinking and can sometimes change what you believe is right or wrong.

Big Life Events

Sometimes something big happens in your life, like moving to a new city, going through a hard time, or even becoming a parent. Big life events like these can really make you stop and think about what's most important to you, which might mean your morals shift a bit.


The News and Social Issues

Believe it or not, what you read in the news or see on social media can also affect your morals. Maybe you read a story about someone who did something really brave and it makes you value courage more than you did before. Or perhaps a news story about a social issue like poverty or equality gets you thinking differently.

Self-Reflection: The Mirror Moment

As you get older, you'll also spend more time thinking about who you are and who you want to be. This self-reflection often comes with the territory of becoming an adult. You might realize that some of your old morals don't fit with the person you're becoming, and that's totally okay. It's all part of growing up, no matter how old you are.

Brain Teasers

These brain games aren't just fun; they offer a deeper understanding of what morals mean and how they guide our decisions.

Some of these questions might not have clear answers, but that's okay. The point is to get you thinking about your own moral compass and how it influences your choices.

If you like these brain teasers, you might like other critical thinking puzzles too.

The Trolley Problem

Imagine there's a trolley barreling down the tracks, headed straight for five people tied up on the track. You're standing next to a lever that can switch the trolley to another track, but there's one person tied up on that track too. What do you do?

This thought experiment is called the Trolley Problem, and it makes you think about the value of human life. Do you save the five people at the cost of one, or do nothing and let the trolley hit the five people? There's no right or wrong answer, but it does make you ponder about difficult moral choices.

The Prisoner's Dilemma

You and a friend are suspected of a crime and are being questioned separately. If you both stay silent, you'll each get a short jail sentence. But if one of you blames the other, the one who speaks out will go free, while the other gets a long sentence.

What's the moral choice here? The Prisoner's Dilemma helps us think about trust and self-interest. Do you look out for your friend, or do you look out for yourself?

The Golden Rule Game

You've probably heard the saying, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." That's the Golden Rule. To make it a game, spend a day trying to treat everyone exactly how you'd like to be treated. You might find it's not as easy as it sounds!

The challenge here is to be consistent in your actions and words, treating everyone with the kindness and respect you'd like to receive. It's a great way to understand how morals can be applied in everyday scenarios.

The Lost Wallet Dilemma

Imagine you find a wallet full of cash, with no ID or any way to identify the owner. What would you do? Keep the money, or turn the wallet into the lost and found or police? This situation makes you ponder the importance of honesty and integrity.

The Lifeboat Scenario

Imagine you're on a sinking ship, and there's only one lifeboat left that can safely hold five people. There are six people remaining on the ship, including you. The six people are:

  1. A child who is 8 years old.
  2. An elderly scientist who has made groundbreaking discoveries.
  3. A pregnant woman.
  4. A skilled surgeon.
  5. A talented musician who brings joy to millions.
  6. You.

Now you have some tough choices to make. Who gets to be saved in the lifeboat, and who has to stay behind on the sinking ship?

Consider some of these moral questions as you decide:

  • Does age matter? Should you prioritize the young child because they have more of their life ahead of them, or the elderly scientist because of their contributions to society?
  • What about the value of life? Does the pregnant woman count as one life or two, given that she's expecting?
  • How about skillsets? Should you save the surgeon because they could save more lives in the future?
  • And what about the role of happiness? The musician brings joy to millions, so does their happiness count too?
  • Finally, where do you fit in all this? Is it ethical to save yourself because you're the one making the choice, or should you sacrifice yourself for what you consider to be the greater good?

This thought-provoking scenario forces you to weigh multiple moral values, like the sanctity of life, the importance of skills and contributions to society, and the ethics of self-preservation. There may not be a single "right" answer, but your choices will reveal a lot about your own moral compass.

The Job Interview Test

Two people are applying for the same job. One is your close friend but less qualified, and the other is a stranger but more qualified. If you were the hiring manager, who would you pick? This scenario makes you think about fairness and impartiality.

The Lying to Save Feelings Quandary

Your friend asks you if you like their new haircut, but you think it looks terrible. Do you tell the truth and risk hurting their feelings, or do you lie to make them feel good?

This situation challenges you to weigh honesty against kindness.

The Group Project Conundrum

You're in a group project, and one team member isn't contributing at all. Do you tell the teacher, confront the person, or do nothing and risk getting a lower grade for the whole group?

This situation asks you to consider responsibility and collective versus individual interests.

The Save or Spend Challenge

You get a generous amount of money for your birthday. Do you spend it on something you really want, save it, or donate some of it to charity?

This game challenges you to think about the moral aspects of how we use our resources.

The Forbidden Fruit Game

Imagine you're at a store, and you see someone shoplifting. Do you report them, confront them, or do nothing?

This situation makes you think about justice and your role in upholding it.

man stealing fruit

Moral Compass Quiz

Here's a quiz to help you assess your own moral compass. Remember, there's no right or wrong answer; this is just a way to think more about what you value most.

1. You find a wallet on the street with $100 and an ID inside. What do you do?

A) Keep the money and toss the wallet
B) Take the wallet to the police
C) Take the money and then turn the wallet in
D) Try to contact the owner directly

2. Your friend cheats on a test and gets an A. You studied hard but only got a C. How do you feel?

A) Angry and betrayed
B) Inspired to cheat next time
C) Happy for your friend
D) Indifferent, it's their life

3. You're playing a board game with younger kids. Do you let them win?

A) Always, it'll make them happy
B) Never, they need to learn how to lose
C) Sometimes, to keep it fun
D) I don't play games with kids

4. Your boss is taking credit for your work. What do you do?

A) Confront them publicly
B) Talk to them privately
C) Let it go, it's not worth the trouble
D) Start looking for another job

5. A stranger is rude to you. How do you respond?

A) Be rude back
B) Ignore them
C) Be extra kind to show them how to behave
D) Confront them about their behavior

6. You accidentally overhear a friend talking badly about you. What's your next move?

A) End the friendship immediately
B) Confront them and ask for an explanation
C) Ignore it but keep an eye on them
D) Talk badly about them too

7. You're given too much change at a store. Do you return it?

A) Yes, right away
B) No, it's their mistake
C) Only if it's a large amount
D) I didn't notice

8. Would you lie to protect a friend?

A) Yes, no matter what
B) It depends on the situation
C) Only for a really good reason
D) No, lying is always wrong

9. Your friend is going through a tough time but isn't asking for help. What do you do?

A) Wait for them to come to you
B) Offer your help immediately
C) Talk to mutual friends about how to help
D) Give them space, they'll sort it out

10. You see someone shoplifting. What do you do?

A) Ignore it, it's not your problem
B) Tell a store employee
C) Confront the shoplifter
D) It depends on what they're stealing

11. You're given the opportunity to read your best friend's private diary. Would you?

A) Yes, I'm too curious
B) No, that's a violation of trust
C) Only if I thought it would help them
D) I'd ask them first

12. Your sibling borrows your favorite shirt and ruins it. How do you react?

A) Get angry and demand a new one
B) Forgive them, it's just a shirt
C) Ask them to be more careful next time
D) Ruin something of theirs

13. Would you share your last piece of food with someone who is hungry?

A) Yes, without a second thought
B) Only if I know them well
C) I'd split it in half
D) No, I need it more

14. A co-worker is taking a longer lunch break than allowed. Do you report it?

A) Yes, rules are rules
B) No, it's none of my business
C) Only if it affects my work
D) I'd talk to them about it first

15. You have to cut one subject from the school curriculum. Which one goes?

A) Math, I hate it
B) History, it's boring
C) Physical Education, it's not that important
D) None, all subjects are important


From heroic figures in history like Martin Luther King Jr. and Susan B. Anthony to everyday actions like being honest and kind, morals guide our decisions in big and small ways. We learned that morals aren't just high-flying ideas; they're practical guidelines that help us navigate both the complexities of our social world and difficult personal choices.

We also delved into brain games like the Trolley Problem and the Lifeboat Scenario. These aren't just puzzles to solve; they're windows into our own moral compass. They force us to think, question, and sometimes even doubt what we believe is right or wrong. And that's a good thing because understanding our morals is a lifelong journey.

Whether we're standing up for equality, choosing kindness, or wrestling with tough ethical dilemmas, our morals are the invisible force steering our actions. They help us shape a better world for ourselves and for future generations.

So the next time you find yourself at a crossroads, big or small, remember the power of morals. They might just be the guiding light you need to make the right choice.

Reference this article:

Practical Psychology. (2023, August). 31+ Morals Examples (Definition + Brain Teasers). Retrieved from https://practicalpie.com/morals-examples/.

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