37+ Social Construct Examples (Definition + Game)

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Have you ever wondered why we do things a certain way or why some things are considered "normal" and others aren't? Well, you've come to the right place because today we're diving into the fascinating world of social constructs.

A social construct is like an invisible rulebook that society has created over time. These "rules" tell us what to do, how to behave, and even what to think in some cases.

And guess what? These rules aren't set in stone; they can change and evolve, just like us!

Understanding social constructs is super important because they shape our daily lives, from how we interact with friends and family to the jobs we choose. Today, we'll explore what social constructs are, why they matter, and look at some cool examples from history. We'll even throw in some fun brain games to test your knowledge.

What is a Social Construct?

Okay, so let's break it down. Imagine you're playing a board game like Monopoly. Before you start playing, you read the rules, right? The rules tell you how to move your token, buy properties, and even how to win. Social constructs are a lot like those rules, but for real life!

They're guidelines or beliefs that society has agreed upon. The catch is, most of these "rules" aren't written down anywhere, and we usually learn them as we grow up. They help define what roles we take in society.

Here's a simple example: think about a traffic light. Green means go, and red means stop. But who decided that? Well, society did! A long time ago, people agreed that these colors would represent specific actions on the road. Now it's a rule everyone follows. That's a social construct in action!

So, in a nutshell, social constructs are the unwritten rules or ideas that shape our behavior, thoughts, and even our identity.

The term "social construct" didn't just pop up out of nowhere; it has roots in philosophy and social science. While the idea has been around for a long time, it became more popular in the 20th century. Let's meet some of the big thinkers who have talked about social constructs.

  1. John Locke (1632–1704)
  2. Émile Durkheim (1858–1917)
  3. W.I. Thomas (1863-1947) and Dorothy Swaine Thomas (1899-1977)
    • W.I. Thomas and Dorothy Swaine Thomas, wrote a book titled The Child of America that says, "If men define situations as real, they are real in their consequences." This book asks a lot of questions about social interaction, and came up with The Thomas Theorem which tries to answer the questions.
  4. Michel Foucault (1926–1984)
    • Foucault was a French philosopher who loved to explore how society controls us through different systems, like hospitals, prisons, and schools. He's famous for discussing how social constructs can be used to keep power in the hands of a few.
  5. Judith Butler (b. 1956)
    • She's a modern philosopher from the U.S. who talks a lot about gender as a social construct. Butler argues that what we think of as "male" or "female" is shaped a lot by society's rules.

So there you go! While social constructs have been around for ages, these are some of the brainy people who have helped us understand them better. Each of them has looked at how these invisible "rules" shape our lives in different ways.

Why do Social Constructs Matter?

drag queen

Alright, so we know what social constructs are and where the term came from. But you might be asking, "Why should I care?" Great question! Social constructs are like the hidden strings that guide our actions and thoughts, kind of like a puppet master behind the scenes. Here's why understanding them can be a big deal:

  1. Choices, Choices, Choices
    • When you know something is a social construct, you realize you have a choice. For example, if you understand that traditional gender roles are made up by society, then you can decide whether you want to follow them or create your own path.
  2. Equality and Fairness
    • Some social constructs, like racial categories or the caste system, can be unfair and limit opportunities for certain groups of people. Understanding this can help us fight for a more equal world.
  3. Happy Being You
    • Sometimes, social constructs can make us feel like we have to be a certain way to be accepted. Knowing that these "rules" are not set in stone can help you be more comfortable with being yourself.
  4. Changing the Game
    • The more people are aware of social constructs, the easier it is to change them for the better. For instance, movements like Black Lives Matter and LGBTQ+ rights are working to challenge and reshape societal norms.

So, understanding social constructs is not just for philosophers or sociologists; it's for everyone! By knowing what they are, we can make better choices, promote equality, and even feel happier being our true selves.

Social Construct Examples

Now that we know what social constructs are and why they're important, let's look at some examples that you might recognize.

1) Gender Roles

Gender roles are expectations about how men and women should behave.

In the realm of Gender Roles, French feminist philosopher Simone de Beauvoir was a key theorist. In her seminal book "The Second Sex," she explored how gender roles are socially constructed.

Historically, many societies have designated men as hunters or warriors and women as caregivers. A specific example that challenged this construct is the "Women's Liberation Movement" in the 1960s and 1970s in the United States, which sought to break down traditional gender roles.

2) Race and Ethnicity

Race and ethnicity are categories based on skin color, ancestry, or cultural background.

When it comes to race and ethnicity, W. E. B. Du Bois, an American sociologist and civil rights activist, made significant contributions to our understanding of race as a social construct.

Historically, racial categories have been used to legitimize systems like slavery, colonization, and segregation. A stark example of this is Apartheid in South Africa, a legalized system that enforced racial segregation and discrimination.

3) Money

Money is a medium of exchange that holds value because society agrees it does.

In discussing money, Karl Marx, the 19th-century philosopher, and economist, wrote extensively about money and capitalism as social constructs.

The history of money has evolved from bartering goods to using metal coins, to paper currency, and now digital forms. The United States once used the Gold Standard, a system where every dollar could be exchanged for a specific amount of gold, to give value to its currency.

4) Marriage and Family

Marriage and family are defined by norms about partnership and child-rearing.

The concept of marriage and family has been widely discussed by sociologists like Stephanie Coontz, who wrote "The Way We Never Were," exploring the historical changes in American families.

In the 1950s, the "nuclear family" model—comprising a married couple with children—was held as the ideal in America. This model was popularized through media and became a social construct of what a "normal" family should be.

5) Education

The systems and standards for imparting knowledge and skills is known as education.

Education is another social construct discussed by various educational theorists, including Paulo Freire, who is known for his work "Pedagogy of the Oppressed."

Historically, education was a privilege of the elite, but over time it has become more democratized. An example of a construct within education is the SAT test in the United States. Introduced in 1926, it was created as a "fair" way to measure aptitude and intelligence, although it has been criticized for various biases.

6) Beauty Standards

Ideas about what is considered beautiful or attractive are constructed in each society.

The concept of beauty standards has been explored by Naomi Wolf in her book "The Beauty Myth," where she argues that societal standards of beauty are oppressive to women.

Historically, these standards have varied widely from culture to culture and era to era. For example, in Renaissance Europe, fuller body types were considered ideal, which contrasts sharply with today’s often unrealistically slim beauty standards.

7) Language

Language is a system of communication agreed upon by a community.

Noam Chomsky, a linguist and philosopher, has discussed how language is a construct that shapes our reality.

Language itself has evolved over time and varies dramatically from culture to culture. An example would be the introduction of "text speak" or shorthand like "LOL" and "BRB," which has become a norm in digital communication.

8) Religion

Belief systems and practices around spirituality are also constructed.

Religion as a social construct has been theorized by scholars like Émile Durkheim, who argued that religious categorizations are a way to establish social cohesion or division.

Historically, religion has been used both to unify communities and also to justify conquest and division. A specific example can be seen in the Crusades, where religious beliefs were used to justify military campaigns.

illustration of a cathedral

9) Law and Order

This is the rules and regulations governing behavior.

In discussing law and order, theorists like Michel Foucault have looked at how legal systems are constructs that reflect the power dynamics of a society.

The concept of justice has varied greatly over time and between cultures. One example is the "eye for an eye" principle found in ancient laws like the Code of Hammurabi, which differs significantly from modern notions of justice.

10) Social Class

These are categories based on wealth, occupation, or education.

Social Class is a construct discussed by many sociologists, including Max Weber, who explored how economic status, social prestige, and political power contribute to a person's class.

Historically, social class has been a determining factor in one's quality of life and opportunities. The American Dream, the idea that anyone can achieve upward mobility regardless of their background, challenges but also perpetuates certain class-based constructs.

11) Nationality

Nationality is the concept of belonging to a specific country.

The idea of nationality is often dissected by scholars such as Benedict Anderson, who wrote about "imagined communities." Anderson posits that a nation is a socially constructed community, imagined by the people who perceive themselves as part of that group.

Historically, nations were often formed by shared language, religion, or culture, but modern nations can also be diverse. For instance, the creation of modern states in the Middle East after World War I often involved drawing arbitrary lines that did not reflect the actual ethnic and religious groups living there.

12) Fashion

What's considered "in style" or appropriate to wear is also a social construct.

When it comes to fashion, Roland Barthes, a French philosopher and linguist, has discussed fashion as a language and a social system in itself.

The history of fashion shows a constant shift in what's considered "in style," often influenced by economic conditions, cultural shifts, and technological advances. The "Flapper" fashion of the 1920s, with its short skirts and bobbed hair, broke away from previous norms and reflected the more liberated social mood of the era.

13) Music Genres

Genres are the classification of music based on style, instruments, or origin.

Music genres are another fascinating social construct. Theorists like Simon Frith have explored how genres can be less about the music itself and more about the social and cultural groups they represent.

From classical to jazz to hip-hop, each genre has historical roots. For example, hip-hop originated in African American communities in the 1970s and has become a global phenomenon, though it is still closely tied to discussions about race and inequality.

14) Age Groups

Categories like "child," "teenager," "adult," etc. are also constructed.

In discussing age groups, Erik Erikson, a developmental psychologist, has outlined stages of human development that have become a societal blueprint for what behaviors are "appropriate" at certain ages.

Historically, rites of passage marked the transition from one age group to another. Today, "Sweet 16" parties or "Quinceañeras" serve as modern rites of passage for teenagers in some cultures.

15) Workweek

in the U.S., and much of the modern world, the Monday-to-Friday, 9-to-5 schedule is an accepted construct.

Workweek norms have been a subject of much debate and study. The 5-day workweek with a 2-day weekend is a relatively new invention, largely attributed to labor movements in the early 20th century that fought for better working conditions.

This arrangement is so widely accepted now that we rarely question it, but alternative models, like a 4-day workweek, are beginning to gain attention.

16) Holidays

Celebrations and observances that hold cultural significance are selected intentionally.

The notion of holidays as a social construct has been theorized by many cultural anthropologists. Different cultures have their own set of holidays, often rooted in religious or historical events.

For instance, Thanksgiving is an American holiday that commemorates a 1621 feast between Pilgrims and Native Americans but is also critiqued for oversimplifying or ignoring the complex history between these groups.

17) Manners

Manners are accepted behaviors in social interactions, like saying "please" and "thank you."

In the realm of manners, sociologist Erving Goffman has explored how social interactions are governed by a set of performative "rules" that people follow.

Manners have changed over time, often reflecting social hierarchies and norms. For instance, the elaborate etiquette of Victorian England was a way to distinguish between different social classes.

18) Ownership

Ownership is often discussed in the context of property rights, a topic that philosopher John Locke has written about extensively.

The concept that something can belong to someone is a social construct, rooted in laws and social agreements. For instance, intellectual property rights, like patents and copyrights, are a modern extension of this construct, allowing for the ownership of ideas.

19) Success

Definitions of achievement, often tied to money or influence, define success.

The notion of success varies widely across cultures and time periods. Sociologist Max Weber's theory of the "Protestant work ethic" suggests that in certain cultures, success is often equated with hard work and material gain.

For example, the "American Dream" is a culturally specific idea of success that often involves upward mobility and homeownership.

20) Dietary Norms

We all decide what is considered acceptable or preferable to eat.

Dietary norms are also socially constructed and can differ widely between cultures, as food scholars like Sidney Mintz have explored.

What is considered acceptable or even delicacies in some cultures might be viewed as strange or unacceptable in others. For instance, eating insects is common in some cultures but might be considered unappetizing in Western societies.

buffet table

21) Mental Health

We talk about the definitions and classifications of psychological well-being a lot on this site.

Mental health is a realm explored by many theorists, including Michel Foucault, who discussed how society constructs notions of "madness."

Historically, mental health has been understood in many different ways, from being possessed by spirits to chemical imbalances in the brain. An example of this construct shifting over time is the deinstitutionalization movement of the late 20th century, where large mental health asylums were closed in favor of community-based care.

22) Time

Units like seconds, minutes, hours, and the calendar itself are not universal.

The concept of time, including the units we use to measure it like seconds, minutes, and hours, is another social construct. Anthropologists like Edward T. Hall have explored how different cultures perceive time differently.

Historically, sundials and water clocks were among the earliest time-keeping devices. The adoption of the Gregorian calendar in 1582 by Pope Gregory XIII is a specific example that standardized how we track days, months, and years.

23) Leisure Activities

Acceptable ways to spend free time, like sports or hobbies, vary wildly across cultures.

When it comes to leisure activities, Thorstein Veblen, an American economist and sociologist, coined the term "conspicuous leisure" to describe activities that signify social status.

Historically, what activities were considered appropriate leisure time pursuits often depended on one's social class. For example, in the 19th century, attending the opera was a leisure activity largely reserved for the upper class.

24) Subcultures

Smaller groups within a larger culture sometimes create their own norms.

Subcultures are a fascinating example of social constructs. Theorists like Dick Hebdige have studied how subcultures form as a response to mainstream culture.

Take the punk subculture, which originated in the 1970s as a rebellion against mainstream music and societal norms. The punk movement created its own fashion, music, and ideologies that distinguished it from mainstream culture.

25) Masculinity and Femininity

What is considered manly or womanly is also a construct. This is slightly different from gender roles that determine how men or women should perform in society, such as what jobs they can have.

Instead, masculine and feminine traits are interested in how we act and what we wear.

The concepts of masculinity and femininity have been analyzed by many scholars, including R.W. Connell, who introduced the idea of "hegemonic masculinity."

Historically, these concepts have been used to justify unequal power relations between men and women. For example, the "macho" ideal in some cultures emphasizes traits like aggression and emotional stoicism as representative of "real men."

26) Human Rights

The ideas about what basic rights and freedoms people should have also vary across cultures.

Human rights as a construct is often discussed by philosophers like John Rawls, who emphasized the idea of "justice as fairness."

Historically, the concept of human rights has evolved, from the Magna Carta in 1215 to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948. One recent example is the ongoing debate around Internet access as a basic human right.

27) Patriotism

The expectation to support and love one's country is stronger in some countries than others.

The concept of patriotism has been explored by scholars like Benedict Anderson, who tie it back to the formation of "imagined communities" like nations.

This construct has been used both to unify populations and to justify actions like war. For example, the idea of "American exceptionalism" promotes a form of patriotism that argues for a unique role for the United States in shaping world events.

28) Personal Space

There are varying concepts of physical distance in social interactions.

Personal space is a construct that varies widely between cultures, as anthropologist Edward T. Hall has explored. What is considered an appropriate distance during social interactions can differ based on cultural norms.

For example, standing very close to someone in conversation is normal in some Middle Eastern cultures but might be considered invasive in Northern European cultures.

29) Popularity

Social status is often based on charisma, looks, or other factors.

The notion of popularity has been studied by psychologists like Mitch Prinstein, who explore how social status impacts psychological well-being.

Popularity is often a social construct created by group dynamics, particularly evident in settings like schools. For example, being a star athlete might make you popular in American high schools, but such a status may not carry the same weight in other cultures.

30) Taboos

We can all think of things that are considered unacceptable or forbidden in society.

Taboos are constructs that every culture has, although what is considered taboo can differ greatly. Anthropologists like Mary Douglas have explored how taboos often serve to define the boundaries of a community.

For instance, while eating pork is commonplace in many Western cultures, it's considered taboo in Jewish and Muslim traditions.

31) Individualism and Collectivism

The desire to be independent or always have the family in mind also changes due to culture.

Individualism and collectivism are two contrasting social constructs that have been extensively studied by psychologists like Geert Hofstede.

While Western societies often value individual achievement and personal freedom, many Eastern cultures prioritize community and collective well-being. For example, in Japan, the concept of "Honne and Tatemae," which describes the contrast between a person's true feelings (honne) and the public facade or behavior one displays in public (tatemae), is a manifestation of collectivism.

32) Adulthood

At what age does someone become an adult, and what rights and responsibilities come with that?

The idea of adulthood varies significantly across cultures and time periods. The transition to adulthood is often marked by various rites of passage or legal milestones, like reaching the age of 18 in many Western countries.

However, this wasn't always the case. In medieval Europe, for instance, the age of knighthood—considered a transition into manhood—could be as young as 14 or 15.

33) Celebrity Culture

Similar to popularity, being famous comes with its own expectations.

Celebrity culture is a social construct that has been amplified in the modern era due to mass media. This construct has been analyzed by cultural critics like Daniel Boorstin, who has written about the phenomenon of "pseudo-events" or events or activities that exist solely to generate media publicity.

For example, the rise of reality TV has created a new type of fame that doesn't necessarily require traditional talents like acting or singing.

34) Pets and Domestic Animals

What animals are allowed to be in someone's home?

Pets and domestic animals are a topic of interest to anthropologists like Donna Haraway, who explore how the categorization of animals as "pets," "wild," or "livestock" are human-made constructs.

For example, in some cultures, dogs are considered family members, while in others, they may be seen primarily as working animals or even as food.

cute puppy

35) Intelligence

How do we determine how smart someone is? And what do we even mean by "smart"?

The concept of intelligence has been widely studied and theorized, notably by psychologist Howard Gardner, who proposed the idea of "multiple intelligences," challenging the notion that intelligence can be measured by a single IQ score.

For example, Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is now considered as important as traditional Intelligence Quotient (IQ) in predicting success in various aspects of life.

36) Physical Fitness

Do we value a particular physique? Are we expected to look a particular way?

The construct of physical fitness has evolved over time, influenced by factors like public health campaigns, sports culture, and even military interests. For example, the President's Council on Youth Fitness was established in the United States in 1956 in response to concerns that American children were less fit than their European counterparts.

37) Sexual Orientation

How we determine who we are attracted to is also (at least partially) a social construct. What is allowed? What is taboo? And what is expected of us if we have a certain orientation?

Sexual orientation is another construct that has seen dramatic shifts in societal understanding over time. Theorists like Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick have explored how the categorization of sexual orientation is a social construct that has varied over time and from culture to culture.

For example, the Stonewall Riots in 1969 marked a significant turning point in the gay rights movement and the social construction of LGBTQ+ identities.

38) Online Personas

We all know that how people act online, especially if they are anonymous, is different than how they would act in person.

Virtual Reality and online personas have been a focus of modern sociological and psychological studies. Sherry Turkle has explored how technology influences social behavior and constructs.

For instance, social media platforms like Instagram often encourage the creation of a curated, idealized version of oneself, which is a new form of social construct emerging from digital culture.

39) Friendship

How we determine who is a friend, an acquaintance, or someone closer than that, is also a construct.

The idea of friendship has been a subject of philosophical inquiry since the time of Aristotle, who divided friendships into categories like utility, pleasure, and virtue.

The "best friend" construct, especially prevalent in Western cultures, may not have a direct equivalent in other cultures, illustrating that even interpersonal relationships are influenced by social constructs.

Social Construct Games

Now that we've covered a wide array of examples, let's move on to some mind-bending brain games and questions that help us think critically about social constructs. These can be fun activities for both kids and adults to challenge our perceptions and understandings.

Currency Challenge: Imagine you're on a deserted island with a group of people. You find a treasure chest filled with gold coins. Would these coins have any value on the island? Why or why not? Discuss what would make them valuable or worthless.

Time Warp: Pretend you have a time machine that can transport you to any era. How would you explain the concept of a "smartphone" to someone from the 1600s? Think about how the social constructs around communication and technology have evolved.

Gender Swap: Envision a world where the roles of men and women are entirely reversed. What jobs, activities, or behaviors would be considered "masculine" or "feminine" in this flipped world? How does this exercise make you question the roles society has assigned to genders?

Music Mix-Up: Imagine a scenario where classical music is considered "rebellious," while punk rock is "traditional." How would concerts, music education, and social attitudes toward these genres be different?

Food for Thought: Think about a food you find unappetizing or even repulsive. Now, imagine you're in a culture where this food is considered a delicacy. How might this shift your perspective on what's considered "good" or "bad" food?

Status Quo: Pretend you're an alien observing Earth. What human behaviors or societal norms would seem the most bizarre to you? Why?

Role Reversal: Imagine you're a pet and your pet is the human. What rules or norms would govern your relationship? How would this exercise help you understand the social construct of pet ownership?

Success Stories: Think of someone you consider successful. Now, imagine you're from a culture that has a completely different definition of success. Would you still consider this person successful? Why or why not?

Virtual Reality Check: Create an online persona that is the exact opposite of you. How does it feel to be someone else, even if it's just virtual? This exercise can give you insights into the social constructs that govern online interactions and identities.

Friendly Debates: What qualities make someone a "good friend" in your culture? Would these qualities be universal, or do they depend on specific cultural or social constructs?


Social constructs are like the invisible threads that weave the fabric of our lives, influencing everything from our relationships to our identities, from what we value to how we behave. While these constructs can often be limiting or restrictive, understanding their origins and impact offers us a powerful tool for change. By questioning the norms we often take for granted, we open the door to reimagining a more equitable and inclusive world.

Through historical insights, we've seen how these constructs can evolve over time, shaped by social movements, technological advancements, and changes in collective thought. The various examples we've explored reveal just how deeply these constructs are ingrained in every facet of human existence. And our brain games offer a playful but profound way to challenge these often unexamined aspects of our lives.

So the next time you find yourself questioning why something "just is the way it is," take a moment to dig a little deeper. You might discover that it's a social construct, ripe for questioning, deconstructing, and perhaps even reconstructing in a way that better serves us all.

Reference this article:

Practical Psychology. (2023, August). 37+ Social Construct Examples (Definition + Game). Retrieved from https://practicalpie.com/social-construct-examples/.

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