Flow (Optimal Experience in Psychology)

Think of a time when you were completely engrossed in an activity, where hours felt like minutes and every challenge felt surmountable. This heightened state, known as flow in psychology, isn’t just about superior performance or creativity. At its core, the most profound benefit of flow is an unparalleled sense of contentment, well-being, and accomplishment. … Read more

Change Blindness (Definition + Examples)

Have you ever seen a movie with continuity errors? It’s astounding how many we fail to notice. Interestingly, about 58% of people don’t spot these errors due to a phenomenon known as change blindness. This intriguing facet of perception reveals how much our brains can sometimes miss, even when the information is right before our … Read more

Top Down Processing (Definition + 7 Examples)

There are a lot of stimuli to take in at any given moment. It can seem utterly exhausting to break down every sight, sound, and feeling we experience and analyze them to build our perception of the world. After all, we have gathered so much data and built up so many schemas over the years … Read more

Bottom Up Processing (Definition + 23 Examples)

How do you take in the world around you? Do you detect what’s going on through sensory input, or do you use perception to organize and interpret that information? Sensation and perception explain how we recognize our friends when they approach us, how we form memories, and how we analyze what is going on at … Read more

Mirror Neurons

Why do we enjoy cooking shows? While most people don’t follow along and bake a souffle with the contestants on the Great British Bake-Off, they still find satisfaction in watching the goodies made and eaten. The answer could be in a group of brain cells that have recently been discovered. They’re the same group of … Read more

The 5 Senses (and more!)

How do you know what is happening in front of you right now? How do you get a sense of what is going on? I gave you a hint. You sense what is going on by using your senses to send input about the world to your brain. Once your brain receives sensory input, it … Read more